Tuesday, July 22, 2014


 The other day I heard someone I think is very beautiful say, "I finally have pictures that I don't hate myself in." I related so well (because I often think the same thing), but it hurt me to the core. We all need to find our worth. What makes something valuable? How rare it is, and how much is someone willing to pay for it. J'sus and his blood was the most valuable commodity on this earth, and G'd found you so precious that He sent J'sus to shed his blood for you. You have been purchased, by the most priceless thing ever created. You are not bound by your upbringing, your parents, or any curse *if you have surrendered to Him.* You are unique, consider your fingerprints and your retinas...there is only one you, and that makes you rare! 1 Peter 1:13-23 Much love to you today, you were knit in secret, and you are His masterpiece!! I am so thankful that G'd created you!

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