Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hope Spring Eternal

Good morning!

WEIGHT: 319.6 lbs           TOTAL: -3.4

Another half pound off, seems like I'm on a roll, huh? I wonder if I hadn't had that extra piece of chicken and blackberry cream pie last night if it would have been more. Tonight I'm going to plan out my meal. I've been wanting to do this but it's been extremely hard to think about food, because I DON'T FEEL HUNGRY! When hunger does set in, I have about a 20 minute window before I feel famished. I ate last night at about 6:30. When I went to bed at 10:30, I was still overly full.

I even woke up full, so I took Ham Bone, our 45 mile an hour couch potato, for a short walk. I wanted to go longer, but he's still being trained to walk on the leash and my shoulder felt like it was coming out of the socket. His previous owners had taken him to obedience school, but I'm sure he failed that part! She a a toothpick of a woman too! I'm surprised he didn't hurt her!

I want to express the differences I feel since I started The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet. Along with not feeling hungry between meals, I sleep better, feel more refreshed when I wake up, and have more energy during the day. I think because I'm mostly a sedentary minded person, I almost have a nervous energy. The only way to change that is change my thought process.

I need to find something to do with myself to burn off the energy, without doing more damage to my knees and back until I've lost more weight. My plan is to find a job this week, so I can afford a Y.M.C.A membership. I love to swim, and it takes the stress off of my back. I think until then I might start taking some trips down to the beach. It's the end of the season, so hopefully I can find a job before it gets too cold!

I'm going to give it a few weeks until I try to quit smoking again. I am no longer Newport's bitch. I switched to American Spirit, a natural cigarette with out all the extras. The first couple of days I was edgy, but then I was fine. It's a comparable tasting cigarette, and I seem to be smoking less. It's hard to tell exactly how much because my husband takes a couple out of my pack, which is fine.

Since I've changed that, I cough less, and I'm not as irritable. Also, I feel relatively satisfied after I've smoked one. I can see myself giving these up and being successful.

I will post my consumption tonight and be back in the morning, for a new stat update! I've been thinking about doing Youtube updates since I could only find one and she obviously gave up.


Complimentary meal (brunch)
Garden salad with cukes, tomatoes, cheddar-ranch
2 eggs
2 pieces of bacon
small serving sauteed spinach

Reward Meal
Green salad with cukes, tomato, cheddar, beets- ranch and crackers
can of green beans
4 oz steak
small piece of birthday cake
half apple

2 cups of coffee
more than 4 liters of water

Rob's dad wanted to go out to eat for breakfast. By the time we got the kids ready, got to Denny's, ordered and served, it was noon. Thus the reason for only one complimentary meal!

Friday, August 30, 2013

It's A Beautiful Morning

Half The Girl
It definitely is a beautiful morning. As promised, through the good times and bad, I shall post my daily stats. I am firmly aware that this is only a fraction of an achievement, and that it is not proof that I am on to something real, but the scale gave me a rare gift this morning.

Instead of going up, we actually went down! Yesterday I weighed in at 323.0; this morning I am at 320.4!  That is 2.6 pounds! could be water weight. YES...I am a woman so it could have something to do with my cycle. could be a fluke, but I will take it for whatever it is! I am desperate and tired and if this helps me have a positive outlook for the day, I WILL TAKE IT!
Complimentary meal
I can of spinach
About 4 oz steak

Complimentary meal
Green salad with tomato and cucumber- balsamic vinagerette
4 oz steak

Reward Meal
Nice big green salad with tomato, cucumber, cheddar and beets-ranch dressing crackers
3 pieces Popeye's chicken
red beans and rice
blackberry pie

4 liters of water

I know I went over the top for dinner. Actually, it WAS portioned, except for the extra piece of chicken. I was starting to feel full, and if I had waited a few more minutes I probably wouldn't have been able to fit it. That's a food addict for you! I did it within my hour though, so I didn't cheat, says The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet.

Will be back in the morning!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

On To The Next Step

Half The Girl

I am not screaming about garcinia cambogia, raspberry extract, cayenne pepper, and whatever else was in that "diet helper. I changed most of my meals to whole foods, and took the vitamins and helper for about 2 weeks. Did I lose weight? NOPE! I gained 4 pounds!

I was so devastated, I went out and bought my favorite cake! I then took another week off to rethink another plan. The answer is there for me, I know it is!

About 13 years ago, I trialed "The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet." It is more than a diet, it is a management program. During the two weeks that I trialed this new way of eating, I believe I lost about 11 pounds. It was the only diet that I lost so fast that my stretch marks lit up, and I could see the difference.

You probably want to know why I stopped?? Another book! I was introduced to the "Protein Plan,"
in which I jumped to with vigor. I lost the most with this, but not the inches. I also went through ketosis which is very hard on your kidneys. I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANY DIET THAT SENDS YOUR BODY THROUGH TRAUMA!

So, here I go again. I am still taking the multivitamins, because I know that I need the extra iron, calcium, vitamin D. While you are in the first phases of the health plan, you are supposed to weigh everyday. I guess I'm buying a scale! Some people even measure everyday, that's too much for me.
I'll just be happy seeing the pants size go down, my back and knees not hurting so much, and the scale telling me that I finally found the answer.

Are you a carbohydrate addict? There's a test to see how bad you are:
Carb Addicts Quiz

I rate severe.

I just received my book in the mail today. Frugal is me, I bought it off of Amazon for just a penny! After shipping it was a whole $4. I'll be catching up and preparing today for the ride. I'm going to post my stats and we'll begin this journey.



Since technically I begin another journey (hopefully for keeps this time) today I will go ahead and post my stats and consumption.

I stepped on the scale today at a gross 323.0 pounds. That is another 5 pounds in the last two weeks.

My consumption today includes:
Complimentary Meal
4 liters of water
1 can spinach
2 scrambled eggs with cheese

Reward Meal
Garden salad with ranch and croutons
Double pretzel burger from Wendy's
Half of my fries
A Kit Kat
Sweet tea

I only had 1 complimentary meal today, because I started so late. I didn't want to waste one more day, so I held off until I could reread and adjust. I also didn't want to put my meals so close together.
My plan for tomorrow is to eat by 9am, lunch by 1pm, dinner by 6pm.

I also want to test this plan to the fullest extent for my readers. The book says whatever, how much ever, that you want for your reward meal. No limits. Just make sure you start with at least 2 cups of salad, and eat within 60 minutes. I'll weigh in again in the morning, and keep you posted!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Finding The Right State of Mind

It's been a few weeks since I've written. At first it was out of pure disappointment of myself. Then it was putting one foot in front of the other. Now I am at the point of a changed state of mind.

I have tried to stop smoking twice in the past month. I get about 2-3 days in and then I feel like my head is going to explode and my skin feels like it's crawling. Not a very good disposition for a mom of seven. I know that G'd has a better plan for me, I also know that HE has this. Even though I'm not seeing results, as in success, I am seeing some changes. I am smoking less, I am breathing better, I am feeling more active.

Half The Girl
Everyday I wake up with the intentions of eating whole foods only, then a cheeseburger gets in my way.
I have made some changes, that could only be good though. I am taking multivitamins now, with a calcium supplement. I also am taking a diet "helper?" It came on recommendation of someone who has used it and seen big differences.

This little pill you take 3 times a day. It has Raspberry extract, green coffee bean, cayenne pepper, and garcinia cambogia packed in for a supposed punch to the belly and hips. I am going to take it for a trial run of 30 days, if it holds up to it's claims I will shout it from the roof tops. I've also started infusing my water with good stuff!

Staying away from sodas and sweet tea is really hard for me. The mister loves his sugary drinks, and so do the kids of course. So, instead of drinking bland water, and feeling left out, I am infusing my water with cucumbers or apples and cinnamon.

Cucumber water:
Slice cucumber thin into pitcher, add cold water. Let it sit in fridge for at least 3 hours. It is very tasty and if you are having intestinal issues, this water WILL MAKE YOU GO! They say you can keep the same cukes in for a week before changing, but I will probably change every few days.

I did get a chance to weigh myself a couple weeks ago. I was a whopping 313 lbs. It is not my highest weight, so I wasn't too surprised. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to weigh in again Sunday. Since I've only been taking short walks more frequently, stretching a little in the mornings, combined with other little changes I know that my results will not be dramatic.

I hope that your day is filled with happiness, and love.