Friday, April 25, 2014

Oh Where Do I Start?

I keep procrastinating on updating this blog, because so much has happened
in the past few weeks. As you know, I have been learning about being a G'dly
mother and wife. I felt as though G'd was telling me to stay home, and He'd
bless me and my husband for our obedience.

I wasn't expecting Hubby to be on board with this. We have seven children,
hence the title Razing7. We have only been married ten months, and been
together just over 2 years.

I've been telling him lately, that he married the worst of me. I was super
confused, wounded, thought I was depressed...but guess I was just feeling
defeated in everything.

Early on in this year, we had a chat about doing just being obedient. We had
given G'd control of a lot of other things, and He worked them out (especially
even getting involved with each other, after both having 2 previous failed marriages).
Now it was time to take more faith steps.

We agreed to cleave to each other, and refuse financial help from parents, with
the intent that I was going to stay home and learn how to do this, and do it right.
We knew it would be hard, and it is still, but we are seeing G'd's promises come
to light.

Before I tell you how, let me tell you what happened! In less than 3 weeks:

I said "Goodbye" to cigarettes.
I said "Hello" to another WOE, and even without the cigarettes have continued to lose.
(now at 278.0 which is -45 lbs)
Hubby got a job offer...more money better hours...and didn't even apply!
I have not lost my temper or rarely raised my voice with my kids in over a week.
Hubby started going to church.
This is just some of the things here at home, not the people on my prayer list...
The Outcome Has Been More Than Amazing!

It all really started with quitting Facebook games! Then 2 weeks after that I felt
like I should fast Facebook all together and get into G'd's word. I am aware, that
I just lost half of my audience...but if you are trying to hear G'd remove the stumbling

On day 2 of the fast I found a great preacher, day 3 I started the most life changing
series I ever have heard. On day 4 I started looking for a new way of eating. Day 10
smoked my last cigarette.

Here is the link to the first part:  Developing Your Spirit Man Part 1
You can search for the next parts, there is 15 in all.

Now it's up to you. Remove the stumbling block, and seek His face.



  1. What is your new WOE?

    1. Hi! Thank you for reading and motivating me to get back on this! I hope that I have at least in some way answered your question. If not, to be clear, I am continuing for now on CAD, but I am going to attempt it with whole foods mostly. I just didn't know what exactly G'd was leading me to, to answer truthfully. I am new at this "setting Him before me" thing, so I'm getting a little bit of me and a little bit Him. As I continue, I am confident that it will be more of Him and less of me, because that is what I am seeking to become. I am human, I will fail. Thank G'd! He will pick me back up!
