Saturday, May 10, 2014

#100 Starts Tomorrow?

I initially thought that I was ready to just jump on the band wagon and do this
100 day thing. I tried to grabbed the bull by the horns a little too quickly. It was
really silly to try and do this on a Sabbath for one.

My challah bread came out so beautifully last night! It took me several tries, but I may
actually have it down now. I go a little extra for our Shabbat dinners, and avoiding the
spread would have been a bit painful!
I also didn't think about having guest tonight for dinner. I just am not just going to
serve them a whole food meal! I am going to dote on them being with us. I also am
not going to deprive myself.

To  fully think this out, I am thinking that Sunday is a better day to actually
start. I also am thinking that I should have a back up plan for days that provide
stumbling blocks, like next week's event at church.

So, in my heart of hearts, I am planning on giving this 120%. As I go from carb
addict, to a completely delivered person...In J'sus Name. I don't want to gain weight
during this transformation either.

I tried six times this morning to make a video for you, I have found another area
in my life that could use some work! Yea! Public speaking! Hee Hee

Have an awesome day!

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