Friday, May 9, 2014


Last night I was watching this video of a mom and daughter duo committing to
100 days of fitness. I thought 'hmm, I love a challenge.' I made a list of things
that are changing or still need changing in my life.

*Less of me, more of Him.
*Weight loss.
*Deliverance of addictions (food and tobacco)
*Becoming a G'dly mother and wife.
*Effectively ministering to and loving the people around me.

It also got me to thinking, about how many days it takes to form a habit, or
even break a habit. Some say twenty-one days, some say more like 266 days.
One hundred is right there almost in the middle.

I had a verse to meditate on last night, Romans 8:37 ( Nay, in all these 
things we are more than conquerors through Him that 
loved us.) Through out the night 100 possibilities of 100 days ran through my

During prayer this morning, it was revealed that this was my own en devour.
That it was good, and permissible, but this is my idea. If I am to fail, He will still be
here to pick me up. I want G'd to be glorified through every I set myself to do,
because He is the power within me.

So how about #100 days of setting Him before me? As I approached this take
on it, I sensed His presence.  So for the next #100 days:

*I will continue to seek His face. Developing a relationship with the author of my
life. (2-3 hours a day reading, meditating, and hearing His word. No secular movies,
shows, music etc.) Just constantly putting Him first, listening to praise music through
out the day as I am doing chores or writing to you.

*Continue to seek out and confess over myself, His truth. Aspiring to only eat
unprocessed, whole foods...that fuel my body. I will only drink water, coffee,
lemon water, cucumber water, etc. No sugar.

*Every week I will add 5 minutes to my exercise, starting at 15 minutes today.

*Every week I will smoke one less cigarette a day. Yesterday I smoked seven,
I think, but today and though the rest of the week I will limit myself to 6, then
next week 5. I almost feel as this is a silly ambition, because I know that I have
already been delivered from the actual addiction, so I am expecting any day for
it to disappear from my sight anyways.

Romans 12:1-2 says: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the 
mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, 
holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed 
by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that 
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

This is my focus passage for this 100 days. If anyone wants to tag along, let me know.
I would be especially interested what He is doing in your life also! 

Here is my Day 1 video. It was actually the first video I think I've ever made of
myself, so please be kind. Remember I am not perfect. I am not trying to be. I am 
just a work in progress. 

Have an awesome day! HUGGZZ

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