Monday, January 13, 2014

Momma Bear

As I am going into week 20 of this lifestyle and way of eating, I am bothered a tad.
Yes I have lost considerable weight, 38 lbs is nothing to scoff at, but I have been
sitting in the 280's for weeks. I did see an all time low earlier in the weigh week,
but now it's back to 287.7 pounds.

Hopefully, it is water weight, and it will disappear as quickly as it came on. I am
focused today on hydration. Swapping my normal coffee with green tea and lots
of  H20. Truthfully, I am out of coffee and want to run like a maniac to the store!
I missed a few blog and weigh days, because I have had some kind of company
since Friday evening. My best friend and her brood came to spend the night, so
we could actually get some quantity time with each other.

Our dinner on Saturday was interrupted by a phone call from my stepson, saying
that he had been assaulted by his mother's boyfriend. When we went, I knew that
I was going to hurt this man, but I let him shove me first. Then I proceeded to beat
him about the head and face until his friend walked in.

The cops were called, then we brought our stepson and his mother home with us.
We wanted to make sure charges were brought up against him, and that she was
safe until he was detained.

After everything was over, I prayed. I asked G'd that if there was anything to be
repentant for that He would soften my heart, and let me see, because the only
regret was stopping before he begged for mercy.

I am still waiting for a full reply to that. I am also waiting to see if he is going to press
charges against me. I have been assured that whatever happens I have support, bail,
and a lawyer.


It may sound hypocritical that I had a brawl with a man, but yet I am trying to be a
G'dly woman. If I didn't tell you about it and acted like I had no sin...then it would
be. I am not perfect. I have a lot of issues, that G'd is dealing with me about. It is my
responsibility to protect my kids and if you hurt them your best bet is to find the police
before I find you.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Whoo HOO!

I am so excited! After months of the plateau from Hell, I am now the smallest I have
been in 10 to 12 years. I rang in at 284.6 this very morning! I so so totally stoked!

In other news I am already running behind. After taking the kids to the doctors
yesterday, I was pooped, so I fall into a coma for about 4 hours before Hubby
woke me up. Therefore, I was still wide awake at  2:30 am. I woke up at 4 like
I had hoped but felt so very mean that I laid back down and actually prayed to
G'd to please let sleep so that I will not be a mean mommy today. I just woke up
and it was almost 8. Just in time to get the girls off to school! Accck!

I wanted to tell you a couple things about yesterday, but now I guess it'll have to
wait! Oh well, have an awesome day!!

38.4 lbs whoo hooo!

Reward Meal
Chinese Buffet

Complimentary snack
2 slices bacon

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Out Of Sync (Jan 7th and 8th)

Jan 7
I know it's been a few days since I've posted, I am trying to get up on this schedule
that allows me to get done everything I want and need to do. It's not easy! I am
staying up too late, waking up too late and groggy. Then trying to jump into the
schedule at whatever time it is.

I can say it is working better, than not having a schedule at all. But to follow it all
the way through, I really need to be up by 4:30 am...which is my favorite time to
wake up, by the way! My body, however, doesn't want to wake up until about 10!

I have officially called Sunday as a full out cheat day. Doesn't mean "pig pig day,"
just eat what I want day. I love snacking on popcorn or treats while watching our
shows and with CAD you don't get that. Since most of our favorite shows air on
Sunday it has been dubbed.

This decision was made after I had put some beets in my CM salad that apparently
brought on cravings of proportionate mayhem. I threw up my hands and just blew
the day away by watching  movies til late and eating my white cheddar popcorn and
Trowlers ( I think that's what they are called!).

Further more, I have left 289.1 and am back down to 287.6 lbs (YEA). I'm trying
to make better choices at dinner. For example, tonight the kids want burritos and
nachos so I plan to have a huge chef salad with a baked sweet potato, cheesy veggies,
and possibly a piece of  bbq chicken that they had last night.

I got caught up working on a home-school schedule for Jude, and didn't finish my
blog for yesterday! Sorry....

So this is a two for one! I guess I am doing something right, I woke up to the scale
saying 286.5. That is 2.6 lbs in two days. I wonder if my body has caught up with
itself and is going to let me get past 284 now? I haven't lost this quickly since the first
3 months. Fingers crossed!

My day is going to be busy, as usual. I have to prepare for my first week actually
schooling my 3 year old, and doctors appointments for him and my oldest. Among
the host of other things that need to be done.

I hope you have an awesome day!
Jan 6
Complimentary Meal                                 Reward Meal
spinach salad                                             Spinach salad
steak                                                         Spaghetti with wheat noodles
pork loin                                                    Garlic Bread
cottage cheese                                            brownie

Jan 7
Complimentary Meal                                 Reward Meal
Spinach salad                                            Baked sweet potato
Cheeseburger no bun                                Vegetable medley
Kosher Dill spear                                      spinach salad
                                                                 a few nachos

Friday, January 3, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside

Oh my! I really need to get back on my vitamins. This is the time of year where I
really hibernate! I do not like the cold! Not at all!

It really would be great to get back on my vitamins anyways. I'm sleeping more,
and not quite the morning person I was. Unfortunately, I slept through "table time"
with the kids this morning and I'm sure I'll hear about it when I wake them up for

I like getting up at 4 am while the house is nice and quiet, because with 7 kids
and a night owl husband it is never this peaceful!

Yesterday was a great CAD day for me and the scale showed it. I am back to 289.1,
and that brings some peace back to me. I never want to be over 290 again. In fact,
I'm hoping to hit some all time lows this month. It would really be nice to be in the
280's by the end of this month.

I hope you all have an awesome day!
Complimentary Meal
Double cheeseburger (no bun)
Kosher dill spear
Steamed squash and spinach with butter

Reward Meal
Baked Chicken
Scalloped Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Yeast rolls with butter
White chocolate covered strawberries (yum yum)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

On Your Mark

Are you ready? I am! I woke up to some really harsh news from the scale today. I am
back to 291.5. I know a little is from water weight gain. It has been very hard to maintain
drinking a gallon a day, so I have a new goal of 3 liters a day. Lately, I've been lucky to
get 2 liters down the hatch.

Also I am actively putting in place an agenda, so that I can get the things done that I
need to, and still enjoy the things that I want to get accomplished. A tighter schedule
will allow me to open spaces for my guitar, crafts, exercises, photography and devotions.

Yesterday, I stocked the fridge full of good things and I am going to start planning
ahead, by scheduling in a time... to plan ahead. Sounds funny doesn't it?? We'll see
how that goes!

So, here's to a new year, and a renewed attitude, with the holidays behind us! YEA!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.

Yea! It's a whole new year, with new hopes,dreams
and aspirations. I hope all of you can leave the worst
of last year behind, and only take the good into this
new year. I love you, and I'll be back in the morning!