Thursday, January 9, 2014

Whoo HOO!

I am so excited! After months of the plateau from Hell, I am now the smallest I have
been in 10 to 12 years. I rang in at 284.6 this very morning! I so so totally stoked!

In other news I am already running behind. After taking the kids to the doctors
yesterday, I was pooped, so I fall into a coma for about 4 hours before Hubby
woke me up. Therefore, I was still wide awake at  2:30 am. I woke up at 4 like
I had hoped but felt so very mean that I laid back down and actually prayed to
G'd to please let sleep so that I will not be a mean mommy today. I just woke up
and it was almost 8. Just in time to get the girls off to school! Accck!

I wanted to tell you a couple things about yesterday, but now I guess it'll have to
wait! Oh well, have an awesome day!!

38.4 lbs whoo hooo!

Reward Meal
Chinese Buffet

Complimentary snack
2 slices bacon

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