Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Out Of Sync (Jan 7th and 8th)

Jan 7
I know it's been a few days since I've posted, I am trying to get up on this schedule
that allows me to get done everything I want and need to do. It's not easy! I am
staying up too late, waking up too late and groggy. Then trying to jump into the
schedule at whatever time it is.

I can say it is working better, than not having a schedule at all. But to follow it all
the way through, I really need to be up by 4:30 am...which is my favorite time to
wake up, by the way! My body, however, doesn't want to wake up until about 10!

I have officially called Sunday as a full out cheat day. Doesn't mean "pig pig day,"
just eat what I want day. I love snacking on popcorn or treats while watching our
shows and with CAD you don't get that. Since most of our favorite shows air on
Sunday it has been dubbed.

This decision was made after I had put some beets in my CM salad that apparently
brought on cravings of proportionate mayhem. I threw up my hands and just blew
the day away by watching  movies til late and eating my white cheddar popcorn and
Trowlers ( I think that's what they are called!).

Further more, I have left 289.1 and am back down to 287.6 lbs (YEA). I'm trying
to make better choices at dinner. For example, tonight the kids want burritos and
nachos so I plan to have a huge chef salad with a baked sweet potato, cheesy veggies,
and possibly a piece of  bbq chicken that they had last night.

I got caught up working on a home-school schedule for Jude, and didn't finish my
blog for yesterday! Sorry....

So this is a two for one! I guess I am doing something right, I woke up to the scale
saying 286.5. That is 2.6 lbs in two days. I wonder if my body has caught up with
itself and is going to let me get past 284 now? I haven't lost this quickly since the first
3 months. Fingers crossed!

My day is going to be busy, as usual. I have to prepare for my first week actually
schooling my 3 year old, and doctors appointments for him and my oldest. Among
the host of other things that need to be done.

I hope you have an awesome day!
Jan 6
Complimentary Meal                                 Reward Meal
spinach salad                                             Spinach salad
steak                                                         Spaghetti with wheat noodles
pork loin                                                    Garlic Bread
cottage cheese                                            brownie

Jan 7
Complimentary Meal                                 Reward Meal
Spinach salad                                            Baked sweet potato
Cheeseburger no bun                                Vegetable medley
Kosher Dill spear                                      spinach salad
                                                                 a few nachos

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