Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hindsight 20/20

So many times we are our own worst critics, I know I am. I beat myself up with
"why did I do that?, what was I thinking?, I should have done this or that." That
always follows with negative thoughts about myself.

What we forget is, that was yesterday, this is today. Why do we keep ourselves
down by things we can not undo? For the past 2 years I have been in this mode
mostly because of my ex, who I was blinded by, and allowed so much crap into
our lives.

For the past "forever" it has been my weight, my hot temper, and my tendency to
be impulsive, my laziness, and being held down by anxiety.

We can not change yesterday. If you have excepted J'sus into your heart as
your L'rd, savior, and brother you are not bound to those things you did. Today
you are something different. You can stop fighting the ugly parts in your life, because
He will fight it for you if you just hand it over to Him.

I know I am always fighting a fight that has already been won. This morning as
I am listening to my favorite radio station (KLOVE), I hear a song that I know
well. I even know all the lyrics, but I had never heard it, if you can understand

Today forgive yourself and move on. Realize that no matter where you are reading
this your circumstances can change. If you have not accepted J'sus as your savior, I
strongly urge you to take this opportunity to do so. Accept the unconditional love and
forgiveness that He offers.

G'd will get rid of the ugly, that you don't want, and make you a new person.

Have an awesome day people!

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