Thursday, February 27, 2014

Just Because It Is Hard

....don't quit. Life is hard, marriage is hard, parenting is hard. But anything worth having
is worked for.

I have my moments when I just want to give up, throw in the towel, and walk away.
I think those are the moments that you need to step away and take a few breaths, then
try to count your blessings. If you just step away and stew, it doesn't leave you with the
best prospective. Trying to remember why your doing it in the first place does.

We are all human. We fail. We all tend to lose our foresight every now and again. Every
morning I wake up with a plan of action, and by the time I've had my second cup of coffee
I can't remember what the plan was! Maybe that's because my plan was no good, and I
expect way too much out of myself.

Today since I am still on my first cup of coffee I remember most. Clean, clean, and
do two errands, then clean, clean, clean again! It is not the life I want, but it is the life
G'd has given me...and the benefits are pretty outta this world.

Truthfully, to date, I always fall short of my own expectations. Many days when I see
that I am no where near to it, I just throw my hands up. This changing roles thing has
been very hard.

I don't feel like I have the ability like I did 10 years ago. I spent most those years bringing
home the bacon, not cooking it. I look back at homeschooling my kids, and the structured
daily timeline, and it just boggles me to how we got it all done.

If you are struggling in life, all I can say is pray then do your best. You may feel like you're
about to drown at times, so remember to take a break and float for a while. Know that
you are not alone.

*P.s. If you are one of those woman that can do EVERYTHING and still keep her hair neat
buggar off! (HEE HEE)

Half The Girl

Ok I did it I took a peek at the scale. I was feeling kind of "bleh," and needed a pick me
up, so I rolled the dice and came out good. At the beginning of February I was back to
293.5 and as of yesterday I am down to 281.4 pounds.

That is a grand total of 41.6 pounds gone. YEA! I love The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet
so so much! It's nice to know that eventually I will be a size 16 or better again and never
have to be fat again.

My reward meal last night was so rewarding! I had a spinach salad with lots of toppings,
hot wings, Greek peach yogurt, cottage cheese, an apple, and a half of an apricot. Back
to the grind today though. Low carb, low carb!

Hope you all have an awesome day!!

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