Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Milestone

I have to admit, I haven't been as faithful to my blog lately. The past
two weeks have been exceptionally hard. I have been sick twice in 2

First with a stomach flu that had me down for 3 days. I had only a
short relief before I got hit again. This time it's some kind of viral
infection or flu. For the most part I've been feeling mildly crappy most
of the day, then super crap for the rest!

Low fevers at night, nausea, headaches...blah blah blah! I think Hubby
was getting a tad perturbed, until he realized "Hey...she really is sick!"

So, my birthday was kind of stinky, but it was the best birthday I have
had in a long time. Probably sounds silly. I HATE BIRTHDAYS! I
enjoy the cake, cards, and gifts (which didn't really happen this year);
but would gladly give that all away for my life not to be passing by so

A week, or so, ago I decided that I would revel in this one. A
milestone birthday, I am 40. There will be no break downs like
when I turned 30, I will not hide in bed trying to keep away from
birthday wishes, and I was determined not to let my skin crawl
every time I heard someone say the number.

This year will be the year for reflection and thankfulness, because if
you had seen me twenty years ago, you would never had thought I'd
make it. Strung out on drugs, a liar, cheater, thief, hater, immoral,
conniving, the list goes on.

Several times my life was almost snuffed out, by different people at
different times. I woke up to my "runnin' partner" choking the life out
of me, then blacked out. When I woke up I asked him why, he said he
didn't know. When I asked him why he stopped, he said the same thing.

Once there were bullets flying right by my head, because the guy in the
car with me had done someone dirty. Another tried to rape me. When
I out smarted him he lifted me up by my neck. I came to when my feet
hit the ground, he stood there with his eyes as big as saucers (his hands
were in midair, and it appeared that they were being held by something
not seen).

I've had a mild stroke from drugs. I was attacked by a serial rapist (possible
killer), and got away.  This is just what I know of. Who knows what
happened during the times I can't remember?!

It'll be 20 years ago next year, that G'd himself reached down to me, poured
the healing blood of His son over my life, and let me start anew. He took the
desires away, and with his word mentored me to be all that I am today. Which
may not seem much, but it is so much more than what was previously destined!

So for my 40th birthday, I will rejoice in:

I am not only saved, redeemed, and forgiven. But I am also healed.

My kids are healthy and academically awesome. 3 out of 5 are saved,
baptized, and forming a personal relationship with G'd.

I have an great husband and happy marriage.

I live in a house that will one day be ours. Not a trailer, apartment,
    or hotel room.

I have found a way to get my weight down and keep it off.

I have 4 furry babies that fill my heart (and empty my wallet)!

I may not have everything I want, but I have more than I need.

Half the Girl

I haven't weighed lately. I'm really not stressing about it too much.
Being sick and sticking to a WOE sometimes doesn't go hand in
hand especially if your low carb'ing.

Last night I was so nauseated I could only handle sucking on some
gummy worms, that kind of coated my itchy throat. So after not eating
hardly at all last week, I'm basically just eating what I think I can handle.

Spring is here though! The birds are singing, and I am ready and raring to
get this show back on the road! I have a tentative goal of being in a size
18 by fall, or better.

Hope you have an awesome day! Find something to be thankful for, it'll
change your whole prospective!


1 comment:

  1. Darn it! I was hoping to hear you'd hit an all-time low weight. I do understand the eating what you can issue! Thanks for posting.
