Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Irritated By Circumstance

I am becoming increasingly irritated by not being able to get back on my WOE.
Again, I am having to postpone. It appears I have a UTI and the need to eat
lots of yogurt and drink cranberry juice is vital.

I  woke up this morning at 2 am with indigestion. I haven't felt like this since
before I started The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet. To some it may seem trivial,
but as a carb addict, I am almost in full panic!

I need to figure out the best way of eating through this. Apparently pizza and
cupcakes, are not it! Popcorn and chocolate covered mints are not either!

My husband acts like he's all happy again. He's had a snacking movie partner
for the past week. I'm so over it though. I feel out of control. My schedule has
shifted again, and I am screaming on the inside.

I tried to quit smoking yesterday. By 5 pm I felt like my skin was crawling, I felt
weak, and disoriented. Oh, and a headache!! Almost every cigarette, I am literally
asking G'd to take the desire away. I see some differences.

I rarely can smoke a whole cigarette at one sitting. After I smoke I feel like I need
to brush my teeth to get the taste out, and am finding the smell atrocious.

Maybe, just maybe, it's on the way out the door. I  hope so. I'm tired of burning

I hope your day is awesome!


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