Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Cleaning

I am motivated this morning to get this house clean and together. The kids have
school today, as a make up day for all the snow we've had this year. So, I'm going
to have to do it alone while trying to keep a 3 year old in check.

I need to do it though. I want to get a few more kids to watch. After all I'm going
to be need some newer clothes!

To get this house ready, we need to finish painting and put the new carpet in.
Hopefully I can have everything done by the time the kids get home so that I can
finish painting the living room and have that knocked off the list. Hope springs

We've decided to continue living in this house, and the Landlord is helping us
repair our credit so that we can buy it (fingers crossed) this next coming year.
We had been up in the air about it, but decided that it was the right choice.

Now that the decision has been finally made, I'm ready to start making it mine.

We made pine cone bird feeders yesterday, the girls enjoyed being able to make
a mess. I still want to make the 2 liter birdhouses, but I'm thinking it might be too
late in the season for them to be inhabited.

Half The Girl
Weight: 282  lbs                    Total Loss: -41 lbs
I weighed myself again this morning and again I am at the exact same. I promptly
went back to the bedroom and put on the size 18's that have been sitting in my
closet for years. I feel a little better.

I noticed this morning that my saddle bags are not as pronounced as they once were.
There's another change that is noticeable. It would still be nice to see that number go
down more.

I even gave in to some exercise yesterday. I got out the Your Body and XBOX Sports
and played for about 30 minutes.

My meal was not as satisfying though. I had planned to have some ribs, but they
just didn't taste right, so I tried a can of soup. That also didn't taste right.

2 grilled cheese on wheat
bowl of Golden grams
pork rinds
cheddar popcorn
1/2 Butterfinger

Not the meal of champions, but it sustained me. I did snack on some baked chicken
and pork rinds later in the evening. I didn't feel like I had to, but the chicken Hubby
made last night smelled so so good!

I don't really have a plan for today, and that is not good. I will have a salad, but
beyond that I am not sure.

Have an awesome day everyone, and see you tomorrow!


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