Thursday, March 27, 2014

Time Lost

I really don't like sleeping in. I feel like I don't get those moments to wake
up and get the right perspective for the day. I started my day just this way.

I usually wake up around 4 or 4:30 am, which gives me a few hours to
come alive. Get inspired, do devotions, pray, play guitar...just "me time."
All the things that there is never time or enough quiet to just enjoy with
seven awesome kids to do for.

I got up around 6:30, and before I could get my coffee and sit down, Bella
was up then Jude came running out of "shoot number four," chattering. I think
he was trying to make up for yesterday when he moped around sickly all day.

Have you ever heard a really loud bass and it makes your ears feel funny?
That's what all the noise feels like when I have just woken up. It's an irritating
feeling, and I tend to be more grumpy when I feel it. I don't mean to be, and I
tend to be silent and grit my teeth, because even the sound of my voice does it.

Half The Girl
Tomorrow is weighing day! Whoot whoot!! Hopefully, it will be a great report.
This is day five, completely on the plan. I did however eat whatever I wanted
yesterday during my RM, it wasn't as balanced as usual. It's the end of the month,
so my choices are limited.

Here it is:
1/4 link of kielbasa
tater tots
2 egg rolls
spinach salad (cukes, tomatoes, black olives, beets, bacon pieces, ranch, fried onions)
cookies and milk

I think the sodium count was too high, because I felt fat after I ate it, even into this
morning. I'm sure the Pork Cracklins I nibbled on during 47 Ronin didn't help. But
at least it was a better choice than the popcorn Hubby was snacking on!

Today's plan is a spinach salad (same as yesterday), steak, sauteed cabbage, and fruit.
I just happened to find a steak I bought a few weeks ago in the freezer last night. YEA!

Have an awesome day! Thanks for checking in, I'll be back tomorrow!

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