Monday, March 24, 2014

Riding Along

Half The Girl
This is the third day back up on that horse! I had to do some changing around,
but so far it's working. I have gone to one meal a day for the time being. It has
worked great so far, though I haven't weighed.

I feel more clear, and the cravings are gone. My RM is around the same time
that I had been feeling those overwhelming urges, around 2 or 3 pm. I also have
some low carb snack items (such as pork rinds, celery/cream cheese, lunch meat)
for an immediate catch if I need it. I will probably continue to do just this.

The first day my meal consisted of left over spaghetti with wheat noodles, pretzel
sticks dipped in peanut butter and honey, and watermelon. I had other things to
pick from if I was still hungry, but was satisfied and it lasted me through the night.

Yesterday I had a 6oz sirloin with about 4 cups of fresh green beans (that I had left
simmering all night and seasoned with bacon), an apple, an orange, and a cup of
ice cream. Again lasted me through the night and was even able to watch the kids
eat dinner plus refuse popcorn while we watched The Walking Dead.

Plans for today. Baked chicken from last night, roasted potatoes, more green
beans, and fruit. If I feel like I need it I'll grab a snack!

There it is in a nutshell, I am NOT giving up! I am riding along happily. The
plan is to weigh again on Friday since it is that time of the month, it wouldn't
be accurate anyways.

Have an awesome day!

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