Monday, March 31, 2014

I Can Almost Taste It

Half The Girl

Weight 280.5                    Total: -42.5

I guess your will has to be stronger than your body's. My first thirty pounds seemed
to melt off, but I've been bouncing in the 280's since November. Granted there were
a lot of off time with the Holidays, but it's time to move on.

Now I am so close to the 270's, I can almost taste it. Hopefully, my body will start
to comply and realize that we are trying to LOSE! At least I know once I get where
I want to be, maintenance should be a breeze!

I can only think of 2 things I did differently yesterday. I drank a couple cups of green
tea, because with being sick I wanted warm fluids and I didn't want more coffee. I also
had 3 hard boiled eggs for a late breakfast (or CM snack).

My reward meal consisted of a spinach salad, left over spaghetti, and 2 pieces of vanilla
chocolate. I did exercise a bit also with the XBOX Your Body game, but not for long.

I'm not sure how much that would've made a difference. I did have some overwhelming
cravings last night, but I account that to being sick and wanting comfort foods. The only
thing that saved me, was having to go out in the chilly rain, to forage for it.

I'm really glad that I didn't have pizza and ice cream on hand! It was so nice to see a
drop in the numbers, and hitting a new low.

I've been carousing the success stories on again. I need to stay
focused on other people's achievements, it inspires me to keep chugging along.

So cheers for me, and cheers for The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet!

Have an awesome day!


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