Sunday, March 30, 2014

Officially Sick

For the third time in a month, I am yet sick AGAIN! Throw in a week for my
cycle, and the whole past month has been quite crappy! It is draining me, when
I sleep I feel like I'm drowning, when I sit up my head bangs and nose runs. UGH!

The living room is still not painted, maybe today after the kids get back from church.
This will be the second week in a row I missed, last week Jude was too sick (and he
still is) to go to nursery.

Tonight is the season finale for the walking dead...ahh bittersweet! I can't believe we
have to wait until October for the next season! That is just too too long! Oh and by the

Ha ha! Had to do it!

Half The Girl

Last night I took a walk with Hope. It was probably close to a mile. It was so
nice outside, wet, but nice.

The scale has pretty much stayed the same, with a .2 increase. I'm totally at a loss.
No matter how I go at it, it stays the same. A decrease in pant size, but a halt on the

For my meal yesterday I had:
Spinach salad (cukes, tomato, raisins, almonds, fried onions, ranch)
2 baked leg quarters with BBQ to dip
garlic bread
roasted redskin potatoes
lima beans
apple sauce
piece of vanilla chocolate

So today, I'm going back to the 3 meal plan, but staying with the RM at lunch.
Maybe an RM and two snacks. Lots of water and some cucumber water, that
I have had in the fridge chilling. Hopefully I can "confuse it to lose it." Also, no
bad carbohydrates for me.

If it's not complex, it's not going to be least for a while.

Hope you all have an awesome day!

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