Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My First Thought

The rising curiosity to step on the scale is intensifying! I would love to see the
number, but that number is so dangerous! I have so much energy right now, I
feel like I'm going to bust at the seams. I want to go for a walk, but the child I
watch in the mornings will be here any minute...

Yesterday and the day before were strictly low carb. Tonight though I plan to
have a hefty salad and something that I've been wanting. A toasted peanut butter
and honey sandwich on whole wheat. Plus, some cottage cheese and fruit.

Where I have been falling short...a few times this week I have just not wanted to
eat dinner, and just chose to go to bed and declined the food. I know I shouldn't
be skipping meals, and I notice that it is usually the 2nd day of low carb that I
feel like this. It also could be that it is the end of the month so my options are
less than normal.

His Faithfulness

I love that I have been waking up with a praise song in my head. My first thought
of the day is my creator and my savior. This morning it was a song by Plumb.
Though she wrote it about her son, it is also a great worship song.

Around The Town

I am really looking forward to my birthday this year. Which is odd, because I
have a distaste for them. I really surprise myself because I turn 40 this year,
and have been mentally dragging my feet to get to this day for years.

I had a friend give a great review for this new Mexican restaurant up the street,
so is that my pick for dinner. Then there is a Night Of Worship, at Regent University.
What better way to celebrate a dreaded year?

When I really think of it, I should be shouting from the hilltops, "I made it and I am
happy!" I can't wait to see what this year holds for us. A possible book published,
my first child turns 18, my littlest should be going to preschool, and I have found a
solution to my weight issues! If nothing else I found the way NOT to gain weight!

I haven't yet done my devotions for today, so I better scoot! Hope you have an
awesome day!


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