Friday, December 27, 2013

An Empty Nest

Yesterday did not go as planned. I didn't realize that there was next to nothing
for me to stay low carb defrosted. I made a breakfast casserole for Christmas,
so I didn't even have an egg or slice of bacon. Since all the kids are gone (except
for Jude) until Monday, I didn't think of pulling anything down either!

Today I have a ham steak and broccoli, but I'm going to have to be creative
until the first, when I can go grocery shopping. I think I have a bag of chicken 
quarters I can thaw, bake, and have ready. That's probably what I'll do.

Last night, we rented a movie that I have been waiting to see. "Prisoners"
proved to be a worth the watch movie. It had a ton of twists and even though
I dosed off a bit, no matter my effort to stay was action packed.
Here's a  link to the trailer. Prisoners Trailer 2013

I love spending time alone with Hubby. During the chaos of raising seven 
completely different people, sometimes it is hard to see why we are together.
Sometimes. But when we are alone, it is so easy to fall so deeply in love again.

Last night we spent quite a while playing guitar, working out chords and singing
together. I alone spent about 2 hours playing before he came home from work.
Once you start it is hard to stop. In fact I can't wait to get to it today.

I also had a short talk with him about being a G'dly wife, and what I felt like
the H'ly Spirit has been impressing on me about staying at home. He didn't
seem overly against it. I know that money always stresses him out, and rightly 
so. But I think he agreed that G'd is taking me on a path that even I didn't 
expect or desire.

Sunday I have plans with my best friend to meet her at her church and spend 
the day with her. I can't wait. She is always the person that when you leave you
feel like a better person. 

Well, my house is almost back in order from the catastrophe that it was yesterday.
Still lots of recon to do, scrubbing the bathrooms and such, but it's mostly back 
together. I will bid you an awesome day and get on with life.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Twas The Day After Christmas...

...and my house is a wreck! The house is too full to weigh naked in the kitchen
so I have no idea where I am at right now, shouldn't be too bad though. I was
very moderate yesterday.

I think I am ready to kick this fat busting into overdrive. I have 4 days until our
New Years get together and am contemplating complete low carb until then. As
for New Years resolutions, here are mine:

Daily devotions. I haven't been as faithful as He has, but I have been better. I
would like to make it a habit to get up every morning and do this. I want G'd to
have the best of me.

Get the rest of this weight off. I don't know what I did, but the last few days my
back has been screaming. I haven't felt this pain for about 2 months. After I lost
the first 20 lbs it disappeared, but now it has reared it's ugly head again. I think I
will have more low carb days and less reward meals in this coming year, also
making more of an effort to exchange my bad carbs with good ones!

Quit smoking forever. I don't like the ashtray, or the ashtray mouth. I feel dirty
smoking. Not that I'm going to Hell for doing it, it's just a nasty habit.

Learn an instrument. I spent about 2 hours last night playing on our new guitar. I
played in orchestra when I was in school. Mostly the piano, cello, and bass. I
have always wanted to play the guitar, so on the eve of turning 40, have decided to
devote at least an hour a day. As of last night I have a long way to go. I have
forgotten so much and my fingertips feel bruised!

Be more active. An hour a day besides my normal activities like cleaning the house
and grocery shopping. I don't care if it's just walking, or Pilates. Eventually I would
like to be able to hoop, that just looks like fun!

Be the best mother and wife that I can be. It's not just a job it's a passion. Time
passes so quickly, and I would like to be the best I can be now. This includes initiative,
compassion, being slow to speak and quick to listen.

Be more organized. I think that if I can find a way of scheduling my life better I can
conquer all of the above. In whole just getting the things done that I need to in the day
with 7 kids going in every direction, is rough. I'm lucky if I plan 5 things and get 2 1/2

I hope your Christmas was bright and cheerful, surrounded by people you love!
Have an awesome day after!


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Under The Tree

Good morning. I was 288.1 this morning, which is about 2 lbs up from yesterday.
I'm figuring that it was because of the food at Longhorn steak house. The food was
good but I kept remarking that it tasted salty. Rob even agreed on some of the
items, so it's probably water retention.

Yesterday was filled with a to do list that was other than mine, so today is all about
my to do list which only leaves me maybe 12 hours to complete it (and it is extensive).

Well, I was able to find a used violin for my oldest daughter, that was in pretty good
shape. So I guess I'll be spending some time on Youtube trying to string it for her, it has
been over 20 years since I have put strings on an instrument, hopefully it all comes back
to me.

It is official I have a great Christmas present from hubby. He has been out for the past
2 days searching high and low for the camera I want. He wanted to make sure I had it
under the tree. We ended up getting it from and I am much happier,
because not only was it a great price, but I got a bundle deal with all the attachments!

My dream camera is the Cannon Rebel EOS, but I know we don't have the dough for
a beast like that so, I settled for the Sony H200 Cybershot. I believe it will be incredibly
sufficient for my needs. It won't get here until January, but the best gift of all was the effort
my hubby made to make it happen. No one has ever tried so hard to do something like
that for me.

The Good, The Okay's, And The Stay-AWAY's
If you are local to Virginia Beach, or are here and need automotive repair, my favorite
place is Sea Attack Auto Repair. These are good old boys where the employees are
treated like family, and you are never treated like a stranger. They will go over and
beyond to provide you great service and the very best price available.

Sitting in the waiting room you don't even feel like you are at the car shop, it's more like
the local barbershop, with great conversation and plenty of laughs. I have been a loyal
customer for over a year, since I found them on accident looking for a used tire. What's
more instead of trying to get over on me because I'm a woman and they think I don't
know anything, they try to give me a better deal on anything I need and treat me with
respect! Love, Love, Love this place!

Well, that is all for today! I hope your day is awesome. I probably won't be writing
tomorrow but will definitely check in on Thursday!

Merry Christmas to all! May it be safe and remarkably joyful as we celebrate the
birth of our L'rd J'sus Chr'st!

Complimentary Meal
Hot wings with ranch
Antipasto salad with ranch fried onions and sunflower seeds

Reward Meal
(Longhorn Steak House)
Brussel sprouts au grautin
Stuffed Mushrooms
Parmesean encrusted asparagus
Mixed greens salad with tomato, cukes, onions, croutons- balsamic vinagerette
Grilled shrimp
Stone-ground bread and butter
(there was a lot of take home, but I had a little of everything)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Countdown

Dear Me,
Please wake up. The count down is on, the deadline to get all this stuff done is
drawing nigh! Thanks, Me

Ugh! I have been feeling so fatigue the last few days! It has to be the stress of
all the things on  my to do list. If I could just wake up it would be a breeze!

I weighed in at 286.4 lbs again this morning. Stall, stall, stall! Yesterday I went
all day with out eating until my reward meal. It wasn't intentional, just time got the
better of me.

I gotta get off of here and bust a move! Have an awesome day!

Reward Meal
(Taco Bell)
steak grilled stuffed burrito
nachos bell grande
hard taco
(I shared my food, so I only ate about half of the burrito and nachos)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Gem, In Fact A Ruby!

Still busy as a bee today. I received a call for a return side job today, and I love it!
It's nice to be asked back! It also causes a little lap in time where I am not getting
anything accomplished and the count down is on!!

I weighed in this morning at 286.4, so I can only imagine what it was earlier this
week. Feeling so much more alive though and that is so much more important than
a number!

The Good, The Okay's, and The Stay Away's

Hubby and I went to one of our favorite date spots yesterday for dinner so we could
plan out our shopping route for the night. I had a blast shopping with him!

I do have to give a shout out to Ruby Tuesday's at Lynnhaven Mall though! Let me
start by saying, I do not like complaining at a restaurant. I have a person in my life
that wherever we go she complains, and it is down right embarrassing!

Usually we go to Ruby's for the pretzel burgers and salad bar, last night we had a
coupon so decided to try something new. We both ordered the ribs, Robert had a
full rack and I had a half with Louisiana style fried shrimp. There is no need to knit
pick, but we were not happy with it (except for the shrimp and salad bar, they were
down right great).

We barely had to say anything and the manager Tom McVey was there taking our
plates and offering us to order something else. Also a free desert for the inconvenience.
We were more than impressed with the customer service here and I am so very happy
to give them a thumbs up. Their bathrooms always smell good and are kept tidy, their
wait staff is knowledgeable and personable.

So, if you are out and you'd like a quick bite this location is a great place to go unlike
their neighbor (Uno's Chicago Grill if you missed a prior post..that is a definite

Ruby Tuesday's
1009 Lynnhaven Mall Loop
Virginia Beach, Va 23452

Thank you Tom, we'll be back on Tuesday!

Have an awesome day people, and remember when you are shopping that the real
reason for the season. Time is more precious than gifts!

Complimentary Meal
Sonics breakfast toaster without toast

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with peas, cukes, tomato, black olives, green pepper, onions,
    sunflower seeds, the best croutons ever- ranch
Fried shrimp
Onion rings
Cheddar biscuits
New York cheesecake with cranberry sauce (yum yum)
Iced tea (sweet)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Busy, Busy Bee

Lots to do today before Bobby and Trinity go to their mother's today. They won't
be back until Christmas eve, and I want to make sure they get to help make presents
for her.

I have a huge list of things to complete before the 24th, I know I am not alone, but it
sure feels like it! Here's a list of things that I am doing, so if you're looking for something
extra to fill that gift list:

Peanut Butter Blossoms (to make them blossoms put a Hersey kiss on top before baking)
Sugar Cookie Cutouts
Candy Cane Hearts
Painted Vases
Pictures of the kids in frames
Candy Cane Wreathes

Had a normal CAD day yesterday, so happy with my way of eating. I hope you all
have a happy productive day!

Complimentary Meal
3 Hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
mozzarella and summer sausage

Reward Meal
Swedish meatballs with egg noodles
Hawaiian rolls with butter

Friday, December 20, 2013

Letting Myself Down

I am determined today that cramps and this sudden cold are not going to stop
me. It has definitely slowed me though. I wanted to have goodies for all the
kid's teachers ready today, but by yesterday afternoon I was laid out on the
couch with a killer headache.

My face, teeth, and neck hurt so bad I couldn't keep going. I am so totally
disappointed. I got up and started the baking around 8 pm, but by 11 I had
to pack it up and surrender to defeat.

All is not lost, we have plenty of more friends and family to bake for. I guess
it was not meant to be, because in all my earnest effort it was not happening.

Yesterday's "table time" with the kids was a definite surprise. They ALL showed
up!! Yes, they ALL wanted to take part in studying the bible! So, we have changed
it up a bit and I am going to do themes every week with memory verses and

Today we were only missing one, but that's okay we were up a bit later trying to
get the baking done. We are doing The Fruit of The Spirit the rest of this week,
because it was a pretty easy theme to get started and I need to get on to lesson
planning for next week.

I had a great CAD day also, except for taking some cold syrup not thinking about
the carbohydrates in it. I plan on starting my weigh week on Sunday, so we'll see
how the numbers are doing then. As far as feeling better, in spite of my afflictions
at the moment I still feel better...I think that is the most important part!

I hope you all have an awesome day!!
Complimentary Meal
Carolina BBQ with homemade coleslaw
Hot wings with ranch

Reward Meal
Fried Chicken
Potato Salad
Hawaiian Rolls with butter
piece of cake
iced tea

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Bargain

Good morning! I had a wonderful CAD day yesterday, and I feel so much better this
morning. I was up at a little past 5 am, make up on, devotions done, to do list almost
complete, and about to make breakfast for all the kiddos that want to join me for study
at the table this morning!

Today I may have a new one. I didn't want to do it, but I made a bargain with my
oldest son. He has been on restriction from video games because he turned a report in
4 weeks late. He is a straight A student and there was no other reason for this except
bad priorities.

I have a love hate relationship with our game systems. I love to play them myself, but it
is a time thief. It takes away valuable time that we otherwise would have. I am so
guilty of letting something go so I can get extra time to complete a mission.

In light of James being such a good student, I want to instill on him the importance of
prioritizing his life. He very well may be looking at an advanced diploma and a full ride
to a good university. I don't want video games getting in the way of that. So, I told him
I would give him an hour of play for every day he studies with us, and an hour for any
time he goes to church.

I didn't weigh myself again this morning. Actually since I have girl things going on, and I
know that's about a 5 lb jump (plus not being very good lately), it very well be something
I don't want to see at all! I'll weigh myself in a few days and will report to you the verdict.
Otherwise it is back to the basics.

His faitfulness
I am doing a devotion series called Becoming A G'dly Woman, and I am also reading
in Romans a chapter everyday. I am finding both very informative and enlightening.

I hope you have an awesome day, with the sun on your face and the wind at your back!
Complimentary Meal
Tuna with Kosher dill chunks and mayo

Reward Meal
(I was a pig pig)
Iced Tea
Chicken Roulade with Cream Sherry Sauce
Green beans
Brown and serve rolls

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Bitter Taste

Weight: (?)

Both Hubby and I have gotten a bitter taste of what I am like with out my
way of eating. Since Thanksgiving I have been off and on, it's catching up
to me.

For the past few days I can't wake up on time, I drag butt at whatever I do,
I don't quite wake up, and I feel like overall crap! We had a short talk this
morning about being supportive, because I'm sure he doesn't like getting up
early to get the kids off to school whether he has to work or not.

I was pretty productive yesterday, but it was a push because of my
commitment to be a G'dly wife and mother. My energy is at -10 today,
and I am recommitting myself to be a better me, and a better role model
for those like me.

I am so sorry. I feel like I have failed most of you, but I am human. Please
pray for me...I'm not going anywhere!

Last night Hubby and I went to our first party together. It was fun, and I did
feel a little more confident in my appearance with the weight I have lost, but I
still felt fat. It was probably because I still am fat!

It was nice though, and Hubby got a huge Christmas bonus, which just tells
me that I am right about what I have been feeling G'd has been telling me.
If I stop worrying about going out to work, but instead concern myself with
being a G'dly woman, he will take care of the rest.

I feel better now that I have written. I almost skipped today. I'm glad I didn't.
Thank you for following me. Thank you for your support, +1's, shares, and
comments! Have an awesome day!


Monday, December 16, 2013

Hooray For Family Holidays?

Weight: 287.6 (Yesterday's weight)

I didn't get a chance to weight this morning, and I went off again yesterday, due to
feeling bad. I pretty much sipped on Sprite all day to try and calm my stomach, and
ate noodles and such, because everything else seemed nasty. I didn't have any fresh
fruit, or I would have chosen that instead.

I found out last night that my father and mother may be under the same roof for the
first time in 30 years Christmas day. Worry, worry, worry! Oh L'rd this could be a
full out fiasco! My father has a temper and a low tolerance for stupidity, not giving him
any credit cause he's pretty stupid himself. My mother is just BSC (bat shit crazy). I
mean full out, hard to handle, bundle of wacky!

She didn't use to be so bad, and the only thing I can think of is the drugs. My mother
has been addicted to pain killers since I was young, but it was never a "problem"
because it was prescribed.

His Faithfulness
Lately I feel like G'd is laying it on my heart to be more concerned about being a
G'dly wife and mother, than working. I am struggling with this because I have not
been a traditional homemaker for many years. I find a sense of accomplishment
going out and bringing home money instead of the endless chores that come with
the other.

I'm not totally sure that Hubby would be totally on board with that either. There are
a lot of mouths to feed here and kids to be clothed, but in the same moment that I say
that I feel like He will take care of the extra.

I do know this, when we surrender to His will and not our desires he rewards us.
Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7 (GWT)

I have a side job today sitting with an elderly woman, so off I go! Have an awesome
day people!


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pinterest To The Rescue!

Weight: 286.2          

Yesterday must have been a fluke of sorts, because I drop those extra 3 lbs
overnight. I wish I could say I did something special, but I just stayed on plan.

Dinner was at 7 eleven! Yes, convenience store food, but I was hungry and it
would have been another 2 hours before I could eat at home. I could have been
smarter and had a pre-made salad, but I chose a Hot Pocket and a Chimichanga,
with chips and cookies.

It's a good illustration though about this way of eating. I ate whatever I wanted, and
still was good. I had been planning to have dinner with my uncle, but by the time I
fought the tunnel traffic to get there, I just wanted to go home. So, I dropped the kids
off with him and their father, and came straight back.

I had a lot of fun with Jude yesterday. I've been trying to have more learning
experiences with him, because his behavior is just off the hook. It's too cold
to go for walks with him anymore, and I know he loves the play area at the
mall, but I'm a little sketchy with all that he can pick up there.
                                                    (the play area at Lynnhaven Mall)

Last week we had a stomach bug going through the house. In total it took two
weeks, and about 10 nasty loads of laundry, to run it's course through our house.
That is typical for this size of a family...and the flu is even worse. Head lice is
a nightmare! Taking him to hang out with strange kids is like asking for more
chores and sick kids.

Of course the Pinterest junkie I have become, I pinned some activities for his age,
and he loved playing cars with me. Thank G'd somebody in this world has ingenuity!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a completely awesome day!

Complimentary Meal
Double cheese burger- no bun

Reward Meal
Hot Pocket
chocolate milk

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Question

Weight:: 289.1

How can it be that it takes me 1 month to lose 2 pounds, but only 2 days to
gain 4? That is the math, science, and luck question of the day. Buggars!

Last night was wonderful, except for the part of my friend's kids bringing
their goth, Marilyn Manson loving, psychopath friend to dinner with them.
This is probably as close as you will ever read about me talking about other
people badly.

I won't mention names, but the child (16 years) was so rude, I had them take
her home before we ate. All the a fore mentioned adjectives, though they are
true, were merely there to describe the child.

It's not the way she looked or dressed or believed. It was the manner in which
she treated me in my home. It was definitely a moment in which I will not soon

Wow, that's all I have to say about that!

SO here's to pulling my bootstraps up today, getting back up on that horse after
two days off.

Have an awesome day!


Thursday, December 12, 2013


Weight: 286.4                        

I'm up a pound. I have no problem making it go up! Go off a little and it complies,
stay true and the scale doesn't know what to do!

Yesterday China and Jericho had a Christmas party to go to at church. So we made
4 dozen Peanut Butter Blossoms and about 10 lbs of Crazy Kielbasa Casserole. Lets
just say they are my favorite cookie... and that is all that needs to be said!

I think if I had waited to have my RM for dinner, it wouldn't have happened.  Today I
go back to dinner rewards paired with a gallon of water throughout the day!

I think I am becoming a Pintrest recycling/upcycling junkie...not sure where this is going,
but hopefully good places!

Tonight my best friend in the world comes to dinner! Yea! Kristi lives about 2 hours
away so our visits are very rare anymore. With her having four children and me having
seven so are phone calls sometimes.

Let me tell you about Kristi. She is my hero! Not for any spectacular reason, just
because she is who she is. The woman is a big bag of genuine, talented, intuitive,
J'sus lovin', dedicated wonderment. (and just if you're wondering...I don't think she
reads my blog).

When we first met we would hang out everyday until someone would get mad at the
other, then we wouldn't see each other for 6 months. I think it may have happened
twice. After that we made an agreement.

I had told her that I didn't need sunny day friends. I needed a friend that was constant
in my life. That I wasn't interested in any other kind of friend. We are human, therefore
fallible. That being said we were bound to let the other one down. So we built a friendship
on biblical principals. We have been constant friend since, for a total of maybe 15 years.

There ARE rules to friendships! They might not all be what you think they might be.
A G'dly friendship is like a G'dly marriage. Here are some, but probably not all.

1. Realize that no one is perfect, therefore we will fail each other sometimes.
2. It's okay to retreat to a corner and lick your wounds, just not for an indefinite
    amount of time. (I say no more than a week, or else you miss too much in their life.)
3. Always lift each other up and be encouraging.
4. (This is a biggie) Do not loan anything, that you can not give. Materialistic things are
    a quick and easy way to end a friendship. So, if you can not live without that blouse,
    don't lend it. If you do, prepare yourself for it not to come back. Do not be a lender
    or borrower at any cost.
5. Don't harbor any grudges, or don't go to bed angry. If there is a problem say it! Say
    it right away. Articulate your feelings. Listen to their side then retreat to consider both
    sides. Don't be nasty, belittling, or disrespectful. Say your peace then let them say
    theirs, then then change the subject.
6. Resolve that you will always treat the other in love, even if you don't love them at that
7.  (Another biggie) Lashon HaRa or evil tongue. Do not bad mouth or gossip ever about
      your friend to anyone! It's a great practice for life and relationships in general, but
      especially with loved ones. Remember people are jealous of good relationships and
      want to cause rifts, so if you hear that your friend has gossiped about you ask them,
      don't "confront" them. Their words may have been misconstrued for ulterior motives.
8. Give more than you receive. Don't make it a contest, but just do it! It can be quite an
    effort because if you give you'll receive so much more!
9. Real friendship is work, and anything worth having is worked for.
10. Say sorry, even if you don't feel like you were the one in the wrong. Pride cometh
     before a fall, so don't cheapen your friendship by being prideful.

In closing, I hope that you have an awesome day! Thanks for checking in on me!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Crafting Does The Heart Good

Weight: 285.2                        Total:  -37.8

Good grief, Charlie Brown! Here I am again and haven't budged at all!
What's it going to take to start seeing those numbers go down again?!

This is going to be quick today, I was up late making Christmas wreaths
and slept in.
                                              (my beautiful Belle holding the wreath)

The picture of the second wreath doesn't do it justice at all. I am so happy with them,
that I have to make more! They are fairly easy and you can find the instructions at:

Candy Cane Wreaths

Toilet Paper Roll Wreaths
It is easier to paint these ^ with an airbrush, if you can.

Have an awesome day!
Complimentary Meal
Scrambled eggs with bacon pieces and cheese
Green beans

Reward Meal
Spaghetti with whole wheat noodles
garlic bread
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, beets, fried onions, sunflower seeds-
      balsamic dressing
strawberry yogurt

Complimentary Meal
Baked chicken
Green beans

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Solutions On The Horizon

Weight: 285.2                              Total: -37.8

Good morning! Here I am again, sitting at the same ungodly weight! BAH! It's
one of those days that I have to count my blessings. My blood sugar is stable, I
am mobile once again, and most to all pain is gone, on top of losing thus far.

I did some research this morning already, the Hellers put out more than the CAD/
CALP books, and after I'm done here I think I'm going to check them out. It may
be enlightening as to why I am stuck.

Yesterday, went pretty well, considering I thought the prospective employer
might be a serial killer! (HA HA HA) He was actually very nice, and I hope he
considers hiring me. Anonymity will always be a must with this job, and I'll have
to be extra careful. I know the price of confidentiality, it is hard to come by
with so many "tongue waggers."

My first night of training with Paramount Builders went okay. There is a lot of
information that I feel is quite boring, and don't really care to know about. Like
knowing EVERYTHING about roofing, siding, gutters, and windows! It is
profitable gain knowing this crap, but it still doesn't interest me in the slightest.

After all, I am not selling their product, I am only resetting appointments. I guess
I should be thankful, that they are a reputable company, with a great product and
track history. It also will maintain me, especially if I go back to school.

His Faithfulness

Today China and I had time alone before she left for school. We are still going
over the 38 things that happen when we are saved.  I think we so often forget
that we are to walk like J'sus, and treat others how he would treat them, especially
but not limited to, those closest to us.

We are never going to be perfect, and there is nothing we can do to insure salvation.
But I think it is the willingness to try that counts. When someone confides in you,
understand and let it go. Forget that they even told you, because you will be judged
and treated in the same measure when it comes to G'd.

It is never your job to judge someone or condemn them. That is G'd's job, your job
is to love unconditionally, and to walk the walk.

Here's to another day with solutions on the horizon, and holding my head up until
I get there. Have an awesome day.

Complimentary Meal
2 Hard boiled eggs
Kielbasa link with mustard

Reward Meal
Spaghetti with whole wheat noodles
spinach salad with cukes, tomatoes, shredded cheese, fried onions, sunflower
garlic bread
small iced cinnamon honey bun

Complimentary Snack
piece of provolone cheese (to ward off heartburn)

3 cups coffee, 2 liters water

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sister Of Quandary

Weight: 285.2                           Total: 37.8

I really hope I'm not going to sit at this weight for so long! I kind of did an experiment
yesterday, and only ate at my reward meal. I still neither gained or loss. So, forget that

It probably wouldn't have been too bad if I had not gone grocery shopping before it
also! By the time I got home and was preparing dinner, I felt anxious and desperate.
So, today I am going to make a huge quiche to have for the next few days.

Crustless Quiche
1 doz large eggs
8 oz softened cream cheese
1.5 lbs sausage
2 10 oz pks chopped spinach
10 oz sliced mushrooms
1 cup shredded cheese
Chopped green onions (scallions) to taste

Brown and crumble the sausage and set aside to cool. Sauté the mushrooms in the sausage drippings, set aside to cool. Thaw spinach if frozen, squeeze out excess liquid. Shred cheese. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In large mixing bowl, mix softened cream cheese and eggs until well blended and the lumps are nearly gone. Add chopped green onion and spinach; mix thoroughly. Add shredded cheese and mix thoroughly. Add the browned, cooled sausage and mix it in evenly. Pour into greased 13x9 baking pan, bake for 50 minutes.

Recipe can be cut in half to fit in a deep 9” pie pan or square pan. Bake for 40 minutes.

(I am not sure who to give accreditation for this recipe, but it was on a post in a CAD support group)

Also, because of starting work tonight, I am going to eat my RM earlier so I won't be
eating too late when I get home. Which leads me to the newest quandary. I have an
interview for a personal assistant job today at 3:00 across town.

I also have two little girls getting off the bus about that time, and have to be at my new
job at 4:30. I didn't think it was going to be a problem, but now I'm starting to wonder.
The biggest issue, is this guy found my ad off of the computer, and I am essentially
stressed about meeting a strange man, at his home, by myself.

This world is so crazy. I know that G'd has my back, but he gives us smarts about things
also. I may be worrying about nothing, he hasn't even sent me his address on where to
meet him. I think I may have a friend ride with me if he does though.

His Faithfulness
Today was an extra early 'get the move on' day. I now have 3 kids that want to study
the bible before school. My high schooler, who has to be at the bus by 6:40 am, plus
two younger ones. I think I'm going to have to do two sessions, so that the younger
ones aren't so tired.

Studying the bible makes me want to be a better person. I know that we are saved
by grace and not by works (Eph 2:8-9), but reading His word, in any order will draw
you closer to Him. Kind of like a child to a parent, I would assume. You see what you
are doing right, you see what you are doing wrong, and you want that parent to look
pleasingly on you.

Hope you all have an awesome day!


Reward Meal
Corned beef and swiss on rye
Sweet potato fries
kosher pickle
Spinach salad with cukes, tomatoes, black olives, shredded cheese, fried onions,
     sunflower seeds-ranch

3 cups coffee, 2 liters water

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dealing With Stress

Weight: 285.2                       Total: -37.8

I am hoping the sickness has past, and am glad that I didn't gain from what 
I ate last night. At around 3 pm I was famished, so I decided to have my 
RM early, and that was a mistake. Too much, too fast. With in 30 minutes 
or so it was all in the commode. 

A few hours later, I tried again, slower this time and it stayed. 

I have a lot on my mind this morning. Mostly financial. I am a bit stressed about 
it. I start a new job that I am very excited about, but I won't see any fruits from 
that until Dec 26th! I'm not too worried about Christmas. It's just main things like 
rent and phone.

Basically, I was betting on the girl I was babysitting for, and spent money on winter 
clothes for the kids. Then she quit her job, and left owing me money. I know it will 
be okay. It is just stressful not knowing where it'll come from, especially since I 
haven't had any side jobs for about a month.

My husband works hard, and pays most of the bills. He just doesn't make enough 
to foot the bill by himself, and having seven kids is a big bill!

So, today is a new day, and I feel mostly alive. Hopefully, I can make it through 
without a violent trip to the loo!

Hope all of your needs are met today! Have an awesome day!


Saturday, December 7, 2013


Weight: 285.1                                Total: -37.9

I have had a stomach virus for the past day and a half and the scale is showing it.
Hopefully I will feel better by Monday to get the kids to meet Santa.

Will check in tomorrow, not much to say except...BLAHHH!


Thursday, December 5, 2013


Weight: 290.3

Hi all! Today Jude will meet Santa for the first time! I am a little excited. I
really never did the magical Santa with any of the other kids. I am not even
sure why I am doing it now.

When I was young I believed in the man with all my heart. I would even
sneak letters to the mailbox to him throughout the year telling him about
things in school, about friends and a one-way pen pal.

By the time my friend told me that Santa was "dead," I already had trust
issues with my parents. I decided shortly after that, that I would not lie to
my kids. Not even about Santa.

My children always knew the real story of St. Nick, and that mom and dad bought
the presents in tradition, to keep the spirit of St. Nicholas alive. Also, of course,
to celebrate with the world the birth of J'sus...even though his birthday is during
Sukkot in the fall.

That worked until a couple of years ago. One day Bella came home from
preschool extremely excited. With wonder abounding, she retold a story
that a fellow classmate had shared with her.

On Christmas eve, a fat happy man was going to come to everyone's house and
deliver presents under the tree. She went on and on about flying reindeer and his
beard, and the "HO HO HO" thing. At that very moment, I had to decide whether
to dash her spirit now or play it out and see how it goes.

I looked at my oldest daughter China as she watched me intently to see what I'd
do. My heart tangled, I said "yes, of course, how else would all those presents
get here?" China's jaw dropped, and I knew as soon as the girl had a two seconds
with me I'd get the third degree interrogation that I deserved.

So, there's the story.  I love Christmas, and I hate lying to my kids. I feel like if you
lie about something little, you'll lie about something big. But here I am lying, and
excited about it! I feel my morals diminish by second.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Remember the reason for the season, and have
patience with one another.

Complimentary Meal

Complimentary Meal
more ham

Reward Meal
scalloped potatoes
duplex cookies

3 cups coffee, 2 liters water

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A New Obsession

Weight: 289.1                      

Back down a pound! Yea! That was after going to the "feeding troth" also. I tried
to stay slightly moderate, by eating a salad and lots of veggies, before commencing
upon the good stuff.

I was a bit of a piggy, but stayed within my hour. I also found a new obsession, white
chocolate covered strawberries. Oh my, they are sinful! I have decided to make some
for Christmas gifts.

Today I was supposed to start training for a new job, but the lady hasn't called back for
confirmation. I am a bit concerned about that, but she seemed excited about having me

I need this job. I need something I can sit at while going back to school. I also need to
get on top of the applications to get there by January. I ran into some friend's the other
night, he is starting his own ambulance service. He said to go for medical encoding. I am
just not sure I'd be happy with that.

Belle is already up asking about bible study. Catch it while it's hot!

Hope you have an awesome day!

Complimentary Meal
Scrambled eggs
Green beans

Reward Meal (not exact)
Spinach and spring salad with beets, black olives, cukes, green pepper-ranch
green beans
mashed potatoes
fried chicken
3 bites steak
yeast rolls with honey butter
white chocolate covered strawberries
a bite of brownie
a bite of banana pudding
(uh looks like a ton but all the good stuff was a bite of this two bites of that. The veggies
were the majority)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Trip To The Troth

Weight: 290.1

I had a regular CAD day yesterday. The scale still registered at the same, so
nothing lost. Maybe tomorrow. I need to do better on my water, but I think
I am just tired of it.

I have an awesome brunch planned today. Steak and eggs...yum yum! I can't
wait. Then tonight we are celebrating my stepdaughter's birthday at Golden
Corral. Yes, the "feeding troth!" She wants to try the new chocolate fountains.

I am confident that I will stay in control, because they have enough good stuff
to choose from, that I can fill up on that.

I slept pretty restlessly last night, and have had a hard time just feeling alive
enough to be productive. Hopefully after this coffee kicks in??

Hope you all have an awesome day!

Complimentary Meal
2 bowls of collards

Complimentary Meal
bowl of collards
Carolina BBQ

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with beets, cukes, tomatoes, 3 bean salad, shredded cheddar,
    black olives, onions, green pepper-ranch
Green bean casserole
Spiral sliced ham
Brown n Serve rolls
duplex cookies

3 cups coffee, 2 liters water

Monday, December 2, 2013

We All Stumble Sometimes

The damage report is in and as of this morning I am almost 4 pounds up. I
weighed 290.1, and I am not too upset, it's just time to move on.

Last night I went to the grocery store and bought me some low carb favorites
to keep me on the path. A huge pot of collards is simmering on the stove. I also
bought 3 bunches of asparagus.

I know I am going to win this battle of fat, I know it very well now. Last night I
had two dreams. In one I was running, and there wasn't anything chasing me...I
was just running! The second one later on, I was crying...because I couldn't fit
running into my schedule. Ha! Ha!

Hopefully now that I've taken a few days off, I can actually get past 286. Cross
your fingers for me!

Have an awesome day!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Off The Path

Truthfully, I have been off my way of eating for 3 days now. First it was
Thanksgiving, then on Friday I tried to switch up my my reward meals to
have my reward at lunch. Eating carbs in the day time is a big no no, and
I won't be trying that again, I felt like I wanted to hibernate for the rest of
the day.

Yesterday, I did well until I decided that I was going to drink while decorating
the tree. Word to the wise decorate then drink! After not drinking for 2 years,
I have become a lightweight. I really don't drink much at all anyways, my longest
dry run was about 7 years.

I was getting a bit dizzy putting on the lights and garland, and now there is much
repair needed before dressing the tree with ornaments!
So, today there is no excuses! I am back and ready to take on this challenge. By
the way, the reason I haven't been reporting my weight is because I can not find my
scale! I have to weigh in the kitchen because the floor is  not level in the bathroom,
and someone has moved it to an unknown location! I'll post a weight tomorrow. Not
sure that I want to see the damage anyways!

Have an awesome day people!!!