Thursday, December 12, 2013


Weight: 286.4                        

I'm up a pound. I have no problem making it go up! Go off a little and it complies,
stay true and the scale doesn't know what to do!

Yesterday China and Jericho had a Christmas party to go to at church. So we made
4 dozen Peanut Butter Blossoms and about 10 lbs of Crazy Kielbasa Casserole. Lets
just say they are my favorite cookie... and that is all that needs to be said!

I think if I had waited to have my RM for dinner, it wouldn't have happened.  Today I
go back to dinner rewards paired with a gallon of water throughout the day!

I think I am becoming a Pintrest recycling/upcycling junkie...not sure where this is going,
but hopefully good places!

Tonight my best friend in the world comes to dinner! Yea! Kristi lives about 2 hours
away so our visits are very rare anymore. With her having four children and me having
seven so are phone calls sometimes.

Let me tell you about Kristi. She is my hero! Not for any spectacular reason, just
because she is who she is. The woman is a big bag of genuine, talented, intuitive,
J'sus lovin', dedicated wonderment. (and just if you're wondering...I don't think she
reads my blog).

When we first met we would hang out everyday until someone would get mad at the
other, then we wouldn't see each other for 6 months. I think it may have happened
twice. After that we made an agreement.

I had told her that I didn't need sunny day friends. I needed a friend that was constant
in my life. That I wasn't interested in any other kind of friend. We are human, therefore
fallible. That being said we were bound to let the other one down. So we built a friendship
on biblical principals. We have been constant friend since, for a total of maybe 15 years.

There ARE rules to friendships! They might not all be what you think they might be.
A G'dly friendship is like a G'dly marriage. Here are some, but probably not all.

1. Realize that no one is perfect, therefore we will fail each other sometimes.
2. It's okay to retreat to a corner and lick your wounds, just not for an indefinite
    amount of time. (I say no more than a week, or else you miss too much in their life.)
3. Always lift each other up and be encouraging.
4. (This is a biggie) Do not loan anything, that you can not give. Materialistic things are
    a quick and easy way to end a friendship. So, if you can not live without that blouse,
    don't lend it. If you do, prepare yourself for it not to come back. Do not be a lender
    or borrower at any cost.
5. Don't harbor any grudges, or don't go to bed angry. If there is a problem say it! Say
    it right away. Articulate your feelings. Listen to their side then retreat to consider both
    sides. Don't be nasty, belittling, or disrespectful. Say your peace then let them say
    theirs, then then change the subject.
6. Resolve that you will always treat the other in love, even if you don't love them at that
7.  (Another biggie) Lashon HaRa or evil tongue. Do not bad mouth or gossip ever about
      your friend to anyone! It's a great practice for life and relationships in general, but
      especially with loved ones. Remember people are jealous of good relationships and
      want to cause rifts, so if you hear that your friend has gossiped about you ask them,
      don't "confront" them. Their words may have been misconstrued for ulterior motives.
8. Give more than you receive. Don't make it a contest, but just do it! It can be quite an
    effort because if you give you'll receive so much more!
9. Real friendship is work, and anything worth having is worked for.
10. Say sorry, even if you don't feel like you were the one in the wrong. Pride cometh
     before a fall, so don't cheapen your friendship by being prideful.

In closing, I hope that you have an awesome day! Thanks for checking in on me!


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