Thursday, December 5, 2013


Weight: 290.3

Hi all! Today Jude will meet Santa for the first time! I am a little excited. I
really never did the magical Santa with any of the other kids. I am not even
sure why I am doing it now.

When I was young I believed in the man with all my heart. I would even
sneak letters to the mailbox to him throughout the year telling him about
things in school, about friends and a one-way pen pal.

By the time my friend told me that Santa was "dead," I already had trust
issues with my parents. I decided shortly after that, that I would not lie to
my kids. Not even about Santa.

My children always knew the real story of St. Nick, and that mom and dad bought
the presents in tradition, to keep the spirit of St. Nicholas alive. Also, of course,
to celebrate with the world the birth of J'sus...even though his birthday is during
Sukkot in the fall.

That worked until a couple of years ago. One day Bella came home from
preschool extremely excited. With wonder abounding, she retold a story
that a fellow classmate had shared with her.

On Christmas eve, a fat happy man was going to come to everyone's house and
deliver presents under the tree. She went on and on about flying reindeer and his
beard, and the "HO HO HO" thing. At that very moment, I had to decide whether
to dash her spirit now or play it out and see how it goes.

I looked at my oldest daughter China as she watched me intently to see what I'd
do. My heart tangled, I said "yes, of course, how else would all those presents
get here?" China's jaw dropped, and I knew as soon as the girl had a two seconds
with me I'd get the third degree interrogation that I deserved.

So, there's the story.  I love Christmas, and I hate lying to my kids. I feel like if you
lie about something little, you'll lie about something big. But here I am lying, and
excited about it! I feel my morals diminish by second.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Remember the reason for the season, and have
patience with one another.

Complimentary Meal

Complimentary Meal
more ham

Reward Meal
scalloped potatoes
duplex cookies

3 cups coffee, 2 liters water

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