Friday, December 20, 2013

Letting Myself Down

I am determined today that cramps and this sudden cold are not going to stop
me. It has definitely slowed me though. I wanted to have goodies for all the
kid's teachers ready today, but by yesterday afternoon I was laid out on the
couch with a killer headache.

My face, teeth, and neck hurt so bad I couldn't keep going. I am so totally
disappointed. I got up and started the baking around 8 pm, but by 11 I had
to pack it up and surrender to defeat.

All is not lost, we have plenty of more friends and family to bake for. I guess
it was not meant to be, because in all my earnest effort it was not happening.

Yesterday's "table time" with the kids was a definite surprise. They ALL showed
up!! Yes, they ALL wanted to take part in studying the bible! So, we have changed
it up a bit and I am going to do themes every week with memory verses and

Today we were only missing one, but that's okay we were up a bit later trying to
get the baking done. We are doing The Fruit of The Spirit the rest of this week,
because it was a pretty easy theme to get started and I need to get on to lesson
planning for next week.

I had a great CAD day also, except for taking some cold syrup not thinking about
the carbohydrates in it. I plan on starting my weigh week on Sunday, so we'll see
how the numbers are doing then. As far as feeling better, in spite of my afflictions
at the moment I still feel better...I think that is the most important part!

I hope you all have an awesome day!!
Complimentary Meal
Carolina BBQ with homemade coleslaw
Hot wings with ranch

Reward Meal
Fried Chicken
Potato Salad
Hawaiian Rolls with butter
piece of cake
iced tea

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