Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pinterest To The Rescue!

Weight: 286.2          

Yesterday must have been a fluke of sorts, because I drop those extra 3 lbs
overnight. I wish I could say I did something special, but I just stayed on plan.

Dinner was at 7 eleven! Yes, convenience store food, but I was hungry and it
would have been another 2 hours before I could eat at home. I could have been
smarter and had a pre-made salad, but I chose a Hot Pocket and a Chimichanga,
with chips and cookies.

It's a good illustration though about this way of eating. I ate whatever I wanted, and
still was good. I had been planning to have dinner with my uncle, but by the time I
fought the tunnel traffic to get there, I just wanted to go home. So, I dropped the kids
off with him and their father, and came straight back.

I had a lot of fun with Jude yesterday. I've been trying to have more learning
experiences with him, because his behavior is just off the hook. It's too cold
to go for walks with him anymore, and I know he loves the play area at the
mall, but I'm a little sketchy with all that he can pick up there.
                                                    (the play area at Lynnhaven Mall)

Last week we had a stomach bug going through the house. In total it took two
weeks, and about 10 nasty loads of laundry, to run it's course through our house.
That is typical for this size of a family...and the flu is even worse. Head lice is
a nightmare! Taking him to hang out with strange kids is like asking for more
chores and sick kids.

Of course the Pinterest junkie I have become, I pinned some activities for his age,
and he loved playing cars with me. Thank G'd somebody in this world has ingenuity!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a completely awesome day!

Complimentary Meal
Double cheese burger- no bun

Reward Meal
Hot Pocket
chocolate milk

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