Thursday, December 26, 2013

Twas The Day After Christmas...

...and my house is a wreck! The house is too full to weigh naked in the kitchen
so I have no idea where I am at right now, shouldn't be too bad though. I was
very moderate yesterday.

I think I am ready to kick this fat busting into overdrive. I have 4 days until our
New Years get together and am contemplating complete low carb until then. As
for New Years resolutions, here are mine:

Daily devotions. I haven't been as faithful as He has, but I have been better. I
would like to make it a habit to get up every morning and do this. I want G'd to
have the best of me.

Get the rest of this weight off. I don't know what I did, but the last few days my
back has been screaming. I haven't felt this pain for about 2 months. After I lost
the first 20 lbs it disappeared, but now it has reared it's ugly head again. I think I
will have more low carb days and less reward meals in this coming year, also
making more of an effort to exchange my bad carbs with good ones!

Quit smoking forever. I don't like the ashtray, or the ashtray mouth. I feel dirty
smoking. Not that I'm going to Hell for doing it, it's just a nasty habit.

Learn an instrument. I spent about 2 hours last night playing on our new guitar. I
played in orchestra when I was in school. Mostly the piano, cello, and bass. I
have always wanted to play the guitar, so on the eve of turning 40, have decided to
devote at least an hour a day. As of last night I have a long way to go. I have
forgotten so much and my fingertips feel bruised!

Be more active. An hour a day besides my normal activities like cleaning the house
and grocery shopping. I don't care if it's just walking, or Pilates. Eventually I would
like to be able to hoop, that just looks like fun!

Be the best mother and wife that I can be. It's not just a job it's a passion. Time
passes so quickly, and I would like to be the best I can be now. This includes initiative,
compassion, being slow to speak and quick to listen.

Be more organized. I think that if I can find a way of scheduling my life better I can
conquer all of the above. In whole just getting the things done that I need to in the day
with 7 kids going in every direction, is rough. I'm lucky if I plan 5 things and get 2 1/2

I hope your Christmas was bright and cheerful, surrounded by people you love!
Have an awesome day after!


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