Monday, December 16, 2013

Hooray For Family Holidays?

Weight: 287.6 (Yesterday's weight)

I didn't get a chance to weight this morning, and I went off again yesterday, due to
feeling bad. I pretty much sipped on Sprite all day to try and calm my stomach, and
ate noodles and such, because everything else seemed nasty. I didn't have any fresh
fruit, or I would have chosen that instead.

I found out last night that my father and mother may be under the same roof for the
first time in 30 years Christmas day. Worry, worry, worry! Oh L'rd this could be a
full out fiasco! My father has a temper and a low tolerance for stupidity, not giving him
any credit cause he's pretty stupid himself. My mother is just BSC (bat shit crazy). I
mean full out, hard to handle, bundle of wacky!

She didn't use to be so bad, and the only thing I can think of is the drugs. My mother
has been addicted to pain killers since I was young, but it was never a "problem"
because it was prescribed.

His Faithfulness
Lately I feel like G'd is laying it on my heart to be more concerned about being a
G'dly wife and mother, than working. I am struggling with this because I have not
been a traditional homemaker for many years. I find a sense of accomplishment
going out and bringing home money instead of the endless chores that come with
the other.

I'm not totally sure that Hubby would be totally on board with that either. There are
a lot of mouths to feed here and kids to be clothed, but in the same moment that I say
that I feel like He will take care of the extra.

I do know this, when we surrender to His will and not our desires he rewards us.
Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7 (GWT)

I have a side job today sitting with an elderly woman, so off I go! Have an awesome
day people!


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