Friday, December 13, 2013

The Question

Weight:: 289.1

How can it be that it takes me 1 month to lose 2 pounds, but only 2 days to
gain 4? That is the math, science, and luck question of the day. Buggars!

Last night was wonderful, except for the part of my friend's kids bringing
their goth, Marilyn Manson loving, psychopath friend to dinner with them.
This is probably as close as you will ever read about me talking about other
people badly.

I won't mention names, but the child (16 years) was so rude, I had them take
her home before we ate. All the a fore mentioned adjectives, though they are
true, were merely there to describe the child.

It's not the way she looked or dressed or believed. It was the manner in which
she treated me in my home. It was definitely a moment in which I will not soon

Wow, that's all I have to say about that!

SO here's to pulling my bootstraps up today, getting back up on that horse after
two days off.

Have an awesome day!


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