Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Under The Tree

Good morning. I was 288.1 this morning, which is about 2 lbs up from yesterday.
I'm figuring that it was because of the food at Longhorn steak house. The food was
good but I kept remarking that it tasted salty. Rob even agreed on some of the
items, so it's probably water retention.

Yesterday was filled with a to do list that was other than mine, so today is all about
my to do list which only leaves me maybe 12 hours to complete it (and it is extensive).

Well, I was able to find a used violin for my oldest daughter, that was in pretty good
shape. So I guess I'll be spending some time on Youtube trying to string it for her, it has
been over 20 years since I have put strings on an instrument, hopefully it all comes back
to me.

It is official I have a great Christmas present from hubby. He has been out for the past
2 days searching high and low for the camera I want. He wanted to make sure I had it
under the tree. We ended up getting it from Amazon.com and I am much happier,
because not only was it a great price, but I got a bundle deal with all the attachments!

My dream camera is the Cannon Rebel EOS, but I know we don't have the dough for
a beast like that so, I settled for the Sony H200 Cybershot. I believe it will be incredibly
sufficient for my needs. It won't get here until January, but the best gift of all was the effort
my hubby made to make it happen. No one has ever tried so hard to do something like
that for me.

The Good, The Okay's, And The Stay-AWAY's
If you are local to Virginia Beach, or are here and need automotive repair, my favorite
place is Sea Attack Auto Repair. These are good old boys where the employees are
treated like family, and you are never treated like a stranger. They will go over and
beyond to provide you great service and the very best price available.

Sitting in the waiting room you don't even feel like you are at the car shop, it's more like
the local barbershop, with great conversation and plenty of laughs. I have been a loyal
customer for over a year, since I found them on accident looking for a used tire. What's
more instead of trying to get over on me because I'm a woman and they think I don't
know anything, they try to give me a better deal on anything I need and treat me with
respect! Love, Love, Love this place!

Well, that is all for today! I hope your day is awesome. I probably won't be writing
tomorrow but will definitely check in on Thursday!

Merry Christmas to all! May it be safe and remarkably joyful as we celebrate the
birth of our L'rd J'sus Chr'st!

Complimentary Meal
Hot wings with ranch
Antipasto salad with ranch fried onions and sunflower seeds

Reward Meal
(Longhorn Steak House)
Brussel sprouts au grautin
Stuffed Mushrooms
Parmesean encrusted asparagus
Mixed greens salad with tomato, cukes, onions, croutons- balsamic vinagerette
Grilled shrimp
Stone-ground bread and butter
(there was a lot of take home, but I had a little of everything)

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