Monday, December 2, 2013

We All Stumble Sometimes

The damage report is in and as of this morning I am almost 4 pounds up. I
weighed 290.1, and I am not too upset, it's just time to move on.

Last night I went to the grocery store and bought me some low carb favorites
to keep me on the path. A huge pot of collards is simmering on the stove. I also
bought 3 bunches of asparagus.

I know I am going to win this battle of fat, I know it very well now. Last night I
had two dreams. In one I was running, and there wasn't anything chasing me...I
was just running! The second one later on, I was crying...because I couldn't fit
running into my schedule. Ha! Ha!

Hopefully now that I've taken a few days off, I can actually get past 286. Cross
your fingers for me!

Have an awesome day!


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