Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Breaking The Plateau-Briser le plateau-Romper la meseta

Weight: 306.5

Yesterday I called myself having a carb day in efforts to break the plateau. I can not eat
the way I used to by any means. I didn't want pancakes, or pizza, or burgers. I literally
had to force myself to indulge a little and I felt yucky.

I even had my choice of whatever I wanted for dinner, I chose a salad and wings. I had
a gourmet pizza for breakfast (good but not grand), and ham and cheese sandwich for
lunch. Let me stop here.

I have been looking at this butter bread all week, thinking damn I'd love to make a sand-
wich with that. It was so disappointing, because I did not like it...but I still ate it. I know,
poor me, right?!

I had some Sprite and a Pepsi...now that Pepsi with a cigarette was GREAT!!! I also had
a snack fest with the hubby while we watched "Django." I started to log my food, but then
gave up. I figured after six devoted weeks to logging and focus, I should try to enjoy the
day, because there won't be another unless I plateau again.

I was totally prepared to see a spike on the scale today, and I will be okay. I just need it
to move! I don't want to go for weeks on end without losing at all! That is for the birds,
or maybe a more patient person.

I am so looking forward to today being totally low carbohydrates...ALL DAY LONG!
I feel like crap this morning! Weirdest conclusion ever! I always thought my excessive
sweat was from sweating through the pain. I now think it has something to do with the
carbs! I was not in pain yesterday at all, and I was sweating like someone was trickling
water on the top of my head! I haven't sweat like that in weeks.

Yesterday, I went shopping for uniforms. I took a size 22 and a size 24 for each pair
of pants that I picked. I didn't even have to try on the 24's, I am officially a 22 again!!

Some may argue that I was just holding my weight while my body adjusted. This
motivated momma says "I ain't got no time fo dat!"


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