Saturday, October 26, 2013


Start weight: 323     Current weight: 292.9     Total: -30.1 lbs (8 weeks 3 days)

YEA!! I hit 30 pounds, GONE GONE GONE. For the first time in my life I really
don't worry about it coming back! I don't feel deprived, or for there to be any
reason to fall off the wagon.

I almost want to yell "I'm cured!" In just a few short months I should be completely
released from this 160 pound jail cell that I have called my body, and be living as a
normal person. My life has already dramatically changed so much.

Turning down carbohydrates are rarely even a thought anymore, and I have to make
myself eat most days because I'm just not hungry like I used to be. Not too long ago
I would eat pancakes, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. For lunch I would have a
sandwich, or three, plus some kind of side. At dinner I would have a full plate of
whatever, go back for seconds then add desert.

I just found out yesterday that I have until the 31st until my insurance runs out, so I
am going to try to get to my doctor to have new blood work done, I am eager to
see those results!

I am trying to look at work as a workout that I am getting paid for. With all the walking,
squatting, lifting, and bending I come home feeling like I've been at the gym kickin' butt
for 9 hours! If this specific manager doesn't get off my back soon though, it will be
bye bye Walmart. I just have no tolerance for people of her kind.

"That kind" means rude and negative. I don't care if you are black, white, or green. If you
can't treat people with dignity and decency, I have no time for you. My life has had enough
crap in it to force myself to deal with yours.

I took this picture of one of my boys (Jericho) and I, with our new glasses yesterday.
I am obviously not as skinny as it makes me look, but I absolutely love it! It's almost
like a sneak peak into my very new and soon future.

Time to get on with my day! HUGGZZ to all!!
Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward Meal
Garden salad with ranch
Bacon Cheeseburger (no bun)

Tomorrow night I will have a real reward meal, since I get to have dinner at
my Uncle Robbie's YEA!!!

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