Sunday, October 27, 2013

Imagine The Possibilities

Weight: 292.9    Total: -30.1

So I'm holding at 30 pounds lost. That's okay, I guess, it's a good place to hold for now.
Tonight is a real CA night, then low carb again for 2 days. I'm looking forward to a real
reward meal.

Of course I was hoping for another drop, but I could have lost 10 pounds this week and
still hoped for another drop. Knowing that you have a goal this huge coming to fruition,
is hard to be patient about. I suppose it's like a prisoner waiting for his release date, or
a child waiting for Christmas.

I quit Walmart last night. After a talk with my husband, I just couldn't put myself through
it again. As someone else this morning put it, they work you like a mule, then kick you
when your almost there. There's got to be something else out there for me.

My husband knows how much I love to work, at least I think he does. He also doesn't
want my usually good mood, to be so ornery. I have an interview tomorrow at Cracker
Barrel, maybe that will pan out.

I have big plans today though. I am buying paint and redoing my living room, then heading
out to my Uncle's for a reward meal, and to pick up my kids. I plan on eating smaller
portions of everything, because I think he's a little heavy on the salt.

I maybe getting on into a new direction with careers, and that is super hopeful! In a few
weeks I am doing some family portraits for a friend's Christmas card/wedding announce-
ments. If they are happy with my work, I will be doing their wedding next summer and
they may have another wedding lined up for me!

                                       Photo of Belle, Trinity, and Jude: Summer 2013

That just kinda came out of nowhere. I would love a job in photography! I am novice at
best, but they like my eye. So, we'll see where that goes! Up until this I have only taken
pictures of my kids, and the things around me, just thought gives me a smile though.

Well, my day is ticking away, and hopefully I will not let the computer distract me yet
again. I am a total procrastinator!

Complimentary Meal
3 egg omelette with cheese, spinach, and bacon
(which I might say tasted like a reward meal...yum yum)

Reward Meal
4 oz cheeseburger (no bun)
1 cup cooked spinach

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