Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ciaos In The Morning

Weight 294

I am almost back to where I was before Sunday's binge. I am looking forward to
having a true reward meal tomorrow night. Today, though I will stick to another
completely low carb day. As it stands today, my average for the week is not even a

I keep seeing changes in the mirror, and catch myself looking more and more. I'm
happy with what I'm seeing, at least with clothes on. Naked, I'm a hot mess for sure!

I also haven't really exercised in the past few days, and need to get back on that track,
since I'm no longer getting the all night workouts at Walmart.

Today, I plan on checking up on some of my applications that I've put in. I have an
offer for full time babysitting, but not sure I want to put my eggs into that basket. A
lot could go wrong with that, she could quit her job, and leave me broke for Christmas.

I am super stoked today about my Google+ community. One of my Carbohydrate Addict's
Diet heroines has asked to be apart of my community. When I first started, I was looking
for others that were successful with this way of eating. Her blog was the first I found!

Terilyn has lost close to 100 pounds! She looks amazing, and the weight loss appears to
have taken 20 years or more off of her! I am providing a few links to her blog, my
community, and another great support group! I hope you find this useful!

Terilyn's Blog

My Carbohydrate Addicts and Low Carb Support Community

Carbohydrate Addicts Support Group On Facebook

I'm not sure why I have so many kids up at the crack of dawn, but it's throwing off my
writing skills! Apparently, little man crawl in bed with me last night, wet the bed, then got
back into his bed. When hubby crawls in at 5 am, he wakes me up grumbling about it.
Which also wakes up little man.

I get up to change our sheets and Little Man's clothes, and I hear Belle. Robert tells me
she's been coughing all night. I get her some medicine and water, then send her back to
sleep. Successfully finish changing the sheets then send Rob and Jude back to bed.

At about that time China wakes up to get ready for school and tells me James needs to
wake early to finish a project. Then here comes Jude again!

Good grief! It looks as though it may be a VERY long day!

Hope your day goes well, and I'll be back tomorrow!

Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
Double Cheese Burger with pickles, no bun
1 can of no salt green beans

Reward Meal
1 1/2 baked chicken leg quarters
1 cup sauteed Normandy Blend vegetables
Spinach salad with cukes, 3 grape tomatoes, shredded cheese-ranch

4 cups of coffee, 1 gallon water, 1 liter lemon water

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