Sunday, October 6, 2013

No Loss, But No Gain

Weight: 305.8 STILL!

Apparently, my scale is just STUCK! I haven't moved an ounce either way for days.
It is so unnerving. I was having trouble eating enough, and added a meal, which lead
to a 2 lb gain. I switched back and lost one of those pounds, but now nothing, nothing,

I have even added daily exercise. I was trying to stay low impact 3-4 times a week. A
short walk, shooting hoops, Pilates, stretching, and occasionally Dance Central. Now
I'm up to longer walks and the rest, but everyday. Switching it up so it doesn't get
redundant or boring.

I will not give up! For the first time ever I am not giving up on the diet. I've said this before,
even if I never lost another pound (which please G'd don't let that be the issue) I love this
way of eating. My energy levels are unbelievable, my blood sugar is not swinging back
and forth, my hair and nails are growing stronger and healthier, I feel stronger, and I sleep
better. There are probably more results, I just can't think of them.

So, if I'm not giving up, what do I do? I'm just not sure. I've bought some extra vitamins.
Now I'm taking five different ones.

*vitamin E
*Vitamin C

I keep forgetting to get a fiber supplement, but I have a tad bit of a theory which I
have not researched. If I'm not getting enough potassium, I believe my body may
think I'm dehydrated and retain the weight.

I did look at my the graph where I log my food, and I am under in potassium almost
everyday. So, we'll see. I never thought about actually logging my multivitamin though,
good grief!

I didn't post yesterday because I had been hired to clean out someone's garage. I went
early and we had it done by noon. Last night I could feel the good burn in my tummy,
but I may have pulled my shoulder wrong because it burns from the cuff to my wrist.

I put the money to good use. I took half for an upgrade to my frumpy self and
took the other half for my son's birthday today. I had my eyebrows waxed (not like they
are out of control anyways-they are so light you can barely see them), got my hair cut
and dyed it. I have to say I feel much better!

My little girl has a friend's birthday party to go to today also. Of course she is bumbling
about getting ready hours and hours ahead time! This leaves my "me time" to about 10
minutes this morning! Don't get me wrong, I love every moment good or bad, but with
seven kids I cherish my  new found alone time every morning! It's almost like a reset,
or a mini vacation everyday.

The best part about it, I think it makes me a better, more patient and happier mum! That's
what my kids deserve!

I guess I must go and bid you good day! In any event, I hope that I inspire at least one

Complimentary Meal
2 Jr bacon cheeseburgers extra pickle, no bun

Reward meal
1/2 Wendy's small chili
1 grilled chicken wrap
3/4 baked potato with sour cream and butter
2 bites of hubby's pretzel burger
Spinach salad with tomato, cukes, beets, colby and monterrey jack cheese- sweet vidalia dressing

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