Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Grave Yard Shift

Weight: 300.5         Total: 22.5
                        (less than a pound to mini goal...oh scale why must you toy with me?)

I was very low on my food intake yesterday. I went to bed very early to adjust my schedule
for working 3rd shift, starting tonight. I was really looking forward to the baked chicken,
that was being made, but I knew I needed to wake up around 3 am. So I threw together a
low carb dinner to make sure I wasn't skipping completely. I did not feel like I was starving

My plan is to go back to bed around 2:30 this afternoon and hopefully wake up around 8
pm. Fingers crossed, it will be a successful idea. Otherwise I may need to hop up on
some of that liquid cardboard they call coffee at work!

I have less than a pound to go before unveiling my blog to my personal friends! A tad
nervous, not sure what kind of responses I will get. I have lost a lot of weight for only
being on this way of eating for 6 weeks and a few days. So far it averages out to almost
3.5 lbs a week.

In just 15 pounds, I will most likely go into maintenance mode for a few weeks. I'm
already smaller than what I was 2 years ago, even though I weigh more. I love the
feeling of being light on my feet. Hustling about is so much less effort. I can't imagine
what I'll feel like at goal, at this rate I'll feel like I'm going to blow away!

My mother hasn't seen me for about a month and a half, I can't wait. We don't talk
much, but she has always obsessed about my weight. Probably because she feels
guilty, or maybe she just obsesses about everything. The latter is probably spot on!

What would really be cool, is to hide out until I hit goal! Then it'd be like a morph in to
someone completely different! Ha Ha! Oh my, I'm just thinking way too much into this.
Lack of sleep, I guess?!

Have a GRRREAT day!!

Complimentary Meal
2 Hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
Beef jerky

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, fried onions- sweet vidalia
1 cup frozen spinach with 1 tbsp unsalted butter.
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

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