Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shamed For Being Gullible

Weight: 294.9                Total: -28.1

Well, today will be another low carb day. I have had two reward days, and it's time
to get moving again. I did a progress picture for motivation. I didn't really need it,
but who knows what tomorrow may bring!
Please don't look at my carpet! It's getting ready to go, THIS WEEK! I'm planning
on buying paint today, and if I decide to not go to work, I'll be painting the living
room. Then tearing out the carpet tomorrow, and laying the new.

Who in the hell puts carpet in a dining room? I have NEVER gotten that reasoning!
I mean, the indoor outdoor kind is okay, but regular household carpet? I don't know
about you, but with my brood, it's impossible!

I couldn't tell you how many times I've spot cleaned it, or used the carpet cleaner on
it. BAH! I have some nice berber going down, I can't wait, and then I have vinyl for
the dinning room.

Half of me is thinking of not even going in to Walmart tonight. I am so disappointed,
about the management there, and the way that the employees get treated. I really
wanted to be there for a while. At what cost though?!

I will probably go, I just don't know yet. I do have a fun day planned. I've got some
errands to do this morning, then I have 5 applications to follow up on. That means
I'll be MIA for dinner with the kids, because I will be taking a nap to make it
through the night.

Something To Think About
Do you remember the lady that sued McDonald's because her coffee was too hot, and
was awarded millions? I was a teenager, and I remember thinking how ridiculous the
lawsuit was and probably said some really harsh things about it.

Yesterday, I saw a video, that made me think. This video actually had the specifics
on the case, and it made me feel shamed. This lady had burns on 16% of her body.
A significant amount of that was 3rd degree burns. All because McDonald's purpose-
fully served the coffee 30 degrees hotter than normal.

She was also not the only one who was burned to the point of medical care. She
was just the one to sue. Her only interest in the case was to pay her medical bills,
and make McDonald's serve their coffee at a lower temperature, but the media turned
it all around.

In fact Ms Liebeck only sued after they refused to lower it and offered her $800
towards her medical bills that were actually in the thousands.

It is too late to say sorry to Ms. Liebeck, she passed away some years ago. I truly
feel bad for the bullying and jeering she had to endure, just to stand up for herself,
and try to stop a giant from hurting others.

I hope all is well with you and yours today.

Complimentary Meal
2 cups sauteed cabbage in sesame oil
1 baked chicken leg quarter

Reward Meal
Salad with spinach and spring mix, cukes, tomato, fried onions-ranch
2 cups spaghetti with meat sauce and wheat noodles
1 piece garlic bread
1 pumpkin spice cupcake with cream cheese icing

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