Tuesday, October 22, 2013

She Must Have The Wrong Person

Start: 323         Current: 296        Total: -27 lbs

I have only worked five shifts at Walmart, and I already don't care whether I have
the job or not. There is a specific manager that has her bug up her butt, because I
complained about her. She is probably worse, than an other supervisor I have been
around or worked under.

She yells at people, belittles employees in front of others, paces back in forth, rarely
pitching in just barking orders and getting in on people's grooves, making it hard for
anyone to complete their tasks.

If I was the only one being effected, I wouldn't say anything. Why is this tyrant
allowed to stay in this position? Almost everyone cowers or rolls their eyes when
they hear her call their name, sorry SHOUT their name.

Tomorrow is all about putting more applications in. I was really hoping that Walmart
was a company that I could stay with for a while, but I've just about had it. After being
accused of bringing a cart to the back that I didn't, being demanded that I was to stay
late, then to boot told to clock out (before I was finished with prior tasks) because I
refused to stay longer.

Along with those applications, I think I will write up an official complaint, to be
a parting gift to "The Tyrant." I even may make a special copy just for her.

I need a job I can feel successful in, and as of now, I don't feel successful regardless
of the amount of energy I have put into it. I don't mind a heavy work load, in fact I
appreciate it, because it makes the time go faster and provides a challenge. High energy
to the point I am sweating pretty much all night.

There is a reason to celebrate today though. I have lost another 1.2 pounds. At least I am
successful in something! Getting this weight off is definitely a blessing, one that has been
a long time coming!

Always look for the silver lining! Have an awesome day.
Complimentary Meal
Chef salad with ranch

Reward Meal
1/2 medium sized sweet potato with butter
1 cup cooked spinach with butter
1 small apple
Chef salad with ranch and wheat crackers

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