Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Another Goal Met! Hello Facebook Friends!

Weight: 299.3           Total: 23.7 lbs

I have made it to the "twosies!" Wow, it took 7 long, but not hard weeks! I am not even
close to finish, but it is time to share my accomplishments, with my friends.

I know that I haven't posted in a few days. Working nights has really screwed with my
sleep, and besides barely being able to walk (everything hurts), I stagger around like a
zombie most of the time.

It has messed up my rhythm, metabolism, and appetite. Two days ago, I actually had 2
reward meals and then yesterday was low carb. I was only able to eat approximately 500
calories. Way too low!

I will make an effort today to eat more, but still stay low on the carbs. In no way am I
promoting that low of a caloric intake. Eat! I just fell asleep an missed lunch, but
proceeded to eat what I had planned for dinner.

If you are just joining me on this adventure of being "Half The Girl," I have been
following The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, for the most part. I have started to plateau,
and have implemented low carbohydrates days into my weeks.

At 280 lbs, I plan to go into a maintenance level, and commit mostly to quitting smoking.
This goal was set so that if I gain 10 pounds in the process, it will not devastate me.

I try to log my food intakes here, so you can see how I eat, and see that losing weight
does not mean being deprived. This way of eating is not for everyone.

This diet may be for you IF:
-you have insulin problems
-crave pastas, sugars, and starches
-find it near impossible to keep a caloric ceiling
-feel deprived of the good stuff, while trying to achieve weight loss
-want a diet that you can LIVE with, not just drop and gain back

I'm up for any questions or support, as I make a super-human attempt at being half the
girl I was in those wedding pictures! I still have 138 lbs to go, with hopes that I will be
close to goal by next June.

I feel I need to again post about the changes that I have noticed beside losing weight,
and dropping pant sizes also. Some of these things have been altered with the new job
schedule, but on the whole are still true.

-extreme energy and endurance
-sleeping through the night
-able to easily keep a caloric ceiling
-blood sugar stabilized
-I do not feel deprived
-I have control over my eating habits
-naturally became a morning person, I have never been that!
-little to no pain, which had become chronic
-hair and nails growing healthy, stronger, and thicker

If you feel the desire to join me, I suggest getting the book The Carbohydrate Addict's
Diet by Dr. Rachael F. Heller, Dr. Richard F. Heller . I got mine from for $4,
including shipping and handling. It has been the best four dollars I have ever spent!

Also, my exercise for the last few days have been replaced, by a ridiculous work load in
the Health and Beauty Aids section for our local Walmart! I am always the lucky one, to
get the hardest job. The one no one wants. Do I have a sign that says "Challenge Me" on
my forehead?

You do not have to exercise, to lose weight on this plan. I am just determined not to be 
"skinny fat." I will undoubtedly have to have skin surgery to lose the excess, and I want 
to look good naked, not just in clothes. My goal is to be healthy and active, but what is 
the point of getting that far, and not looking the best you can under the circumstance? 

On the days that I am there I am in charge of stocking anything from cosmetics, to
shampoo, to toothpaste. It is only 11 isles that I have been thrown into completing in
8 hours, oh, and with very little training to boot! If you want a clear picture of what
my job entails, go to your local Walmart, and walk from the nail polish to the sanitary

I was so overwhelmed last night, that I started crying and was about to walk out. Thank
G'd I had a manager, that just smiled when I tried to hand her my badge, and told me she
had felt the exact same way when she took over HBA, and that I was doing a wonderful

I now know that if I had handed my badge to any other manager, they would have just
let me go. There's some shady management at this store, and glad that I still have this
job. Any who, I got two managers pissed at me because I ratted them out, as to them
not training me and dumping me by myself.

They can be pissed all they want, but I am there to stay. For once I am comfortable
with cameras being on me all the time. It very well may insure that I keep my job.

If you are interested in more info about this way of eating I am providing links to
earlier posts and also their official website. If you look for reviews, you will not
see a ton of good reviews for it. I still don't understand why, because it has totally
changed my life and my focus on food.

Official Website: The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet
Getting Started: August 29, 2013...323 lbs
Buy the book: Buy it used for $.01 plus shipping!
Support group:

People refuse to believe you can eat cake, and still lose weight. You of course can not
be a glutton continuously, but if you balance your reward meals, you will be healthy
and achieve a loss.

Not all of my reward meals are balanced, but on the whole I try, and I am eating so
much healthier than I probably ever have. It is mostly due to not craving the crap that
I have craved in the past.

If I want Taco Bell or a pretzel burger from Wendy's, a piece of pie, or whatever, I eat
it in the time allowed and get that out of the way. If I do decided to indulge, I try to
include a salad, an apple, and/or veggies to off set the sodium intake a little, but that is
just me.

When I first started I ate like a pig at my reward meals, but by the second week I had to
push myself most days to eat 1200 calories. I have found that tracking my food allows
me to make better choices as far as nutrition goes and keeps me accountable to eat
enough, but not too much!

I am still embarrassingly morbidly obese. I don't mind though, because I now have a
plan that I can live with. I will not be like this forever, for once in my life there is a
light at the end of the tunnel for my weight battle. A battle I had almost given up on!

Thank you everyone for reading! Thank you for all the +1s, and shares! It means a lot
to me that I have people reading everyday, and following my progress.

Look out I come!

Complimentary Meals
2 hard boiled eggs

Reward Meal
Baked chicken leg quarter
1 cup cooked spinach with butter
1/2 cup green beans

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