Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Making it MOVE!

Weight: 304.5                  Total: 18.5    Average for the week:??

I DID IT!! I got that blasted scale to move! I am thinking about doing one more
day of low carb. Not sure though. What I do know, I woke up at 4:30 am, I am
feeling alive again! Oh, and I got that damn scale to MOOOVE!!

All day yesterday, while I went to a bogus interview and then Walmart orientation, I
had a "skinny day." You know those days that you feel light on your feet, and your
clothes fit well, and you simply FEEL smaller?! Yeh, one of those days!

My daughter and I were talking and really I have gone down almost 2 pant sizes. From
a extremely tight 24 to a loose 22. I can see the rationale in that, because truly if I had
been willing to buy a 26, they probably would have fit!

Anywho, even though I am heavier than when I met my hubby, by about 15 pounds, I
am actually smaller in size. That is strange to me, but maybe it's from the Pilates elon-
gating my body.

I'm not sure how to add my average this week. At the beginning of the week I had a spike
to 306, then back down to 304. So it will either be a negative loss, or .08 loss, so I'll just
skip the technicalities of the math this week, and enjoy the progress. Maybe by the end of
this week I can get under 300 lbs?! Maybe, it's possible!

I am just one...

Thank you for you for reading, your +ones, and shares. It means bunches to me, and I
hope my journey helps you!

2 eggs
2 pieces baked bacon

7 hot wings-ranch
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, and shredded cheese-ranch

(OH, and I forgot to add, even though I did a lot of walking yesterday, I DID NOT sweat!)

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