Friday, November 29, 2013

A Brand New Day

Weight: 288.6

I couldn't expect better. For the past two days I haven't been drinking water
like I usually do, not even close. Then I went a little off yesterday with it being
Thanksgiving. I just didn't want a low carb lunch. It may be TMI, but very
relevant to the issue, I haven't been to the bathroom in over 2 days as well.

Pulling my bootstraps up this morning though, and getting on with the show.
I usually don't feel the desire to detour, and I don't feel guilty. Those chocolate
covered cherries were out of this world good!

I spent my day away from home with my Uncle. It is the first holiday we've been
able to spend together in a few years, and with his health declining, it was not
even an option to stay away.

So, while Hubby and his kids had dinner with Dad, I and mine spent it away.
All in all it was a good holiday though.

I hope all of you and yours had a wonderful holiday. My food posts will continue


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trying Something New

Half The Girl
Weight: 286.6               Total: -36.4

I actually had a really good low carb day yesterday. I guess the third time is a
charm, but I still stayed at the same weight, and even felt a little deprived at
dinner, while everyone enjoyed the roasted red potatoes.

So, if something fails, try something new...right?! From here on out at my reward
meals I am going to eat a salad, a cup of yogurt, and a fruit...then continue with
whatever else may fit. Let's see how that goes!

His Faithfulness

I don't have much time today. Bella and Jericho want me to wake them early
for hot chocolate and muffins while we study the bible. I just can't believe, I
have kids that want to get up and study. Rob said it was for the goodies, but
that was my idea after they both asked for some time in the morning.

We are going to be studying "38 Things That Happen When We Get Saved".
Lately I have noticed myself trying to draw nearer to Him, it's not an effort
thing for the most part. It is an actual yearning over all the other distractions in

I'm guessing that it is due to my children growing closer to Him that has spurred
this. He has been faithful to me, even when I am not to Him. I have always found
myself trying to draw nearer when my life was in shambles, then after the storm
resuming normal life. This is shameful, but it is truth.

My life is not in shambles though. This is more than discipline, this is a weighing
need and desire. A desire to seek His face, and a need to feel His presence.

I did not intend to speak a lot about my faith on this blog, and whether or not,
anyone reads this segment that seems to be forming. I just need to write about it.

I hope you all have an awesome day! Shalom!

Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
Spinach with mozzarella

Reward Meal
Baked chicken breast

2 cups coffee, 1 gallon water

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Bounce

Weight: 286.6                         Total: -36.4

I'm starting to think it is just not meant for me to have a low carb day. I tried
the day before yesterday, and burned it. Then yesterday I tried, and it went
all to heck again.

Hubby offered to make me cabbage and kielbasa for dinner. So, I went and
picked up some more. When I went to sit at the table I noticed potatoes in it!
Aaargh, he was so well meaning, and I didn't have the heart to decline since
he thought he was doing something nice.

Since I was eating the potatoes I went ahead and had a normal reward meal.
I keep doing this 1 pound bounce back and forth, and not making any real
progress. It's really not that big of a deal to me, but I will attempt it again today.

Wednesday I have an interview, I guess you would call it, for a full time nanny
position. I am super excited about it. I would be taking care of a 2 year old and
a 4 year old. I told them that I would expect Jude to come along as well. It didn't
seem like it would be a problem.

Hope you have an awesome day!
Complimentary Meal
pepperoni and provolone

Reward Meal
Cabbage, POTATOES, and kielbasa
ice cream sandwich

3 cups of coffee, 1 gallon water

Monday, November 25, 2013

Ho Hum...

Weight: 287.7

I burnt my low carb, seriously I burned it! Just as I put the food on the
stove to cook, the phone rang. Dad wanted to Skype with Jericho to help him
study for his tests next week. I fuddled around and around with the computer,
because it would not call him.

Just as I hung up, I could smell something burning. It was my cauliflower. At least
I had my kielbasa and cabbage, right?! Well, I thought I had turned it down when
I returned to the computer, and finally got the Skype to work only to find the mic
wasn't turned on. By the time I gave up on finding the control for the mic, I AGAIN
could smell burning.

I actually cooked dinner twice.The second time I made chili. I was super sad this
morning to see the scale had bounced upwards a pound again. If I was on any
other way of eating, I would want to give up. I am in this for the long haul though.

Total satisfaction, by the way I eat, and I get to lose weight too. Well, at least I
was losing weight with it. I really want to get this fat suit off that I've been lugging
around almost my whole life.

Complimentary Meal
cabbage and kielbasa (what I could salvage)

Reward Meal
6 hershey kisses

3 cups of coffee, 1 gallon water

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gotta Get It Going!

Weight: 286.6                       Total: -36.4

Really?! How long MUST I sit at this weight?? I am going to make a huge
pot of cabbage and kielbasa with mock mashed potatoes today. I think I'm going
to do a low carb day to try to get things moving a bit! Even if I just move a pound
or two and it stays off, it's better than staying at the same weight for weeks!

There is only a month left to lose 12 more pounds before Christmas, it's starting to
look a little bleak for meeting the challenge! MUST-TRY-HARDER!!

I don't have much to say today, so I will wish you all the best and an awesome day!
Don't give up on your dreams!!

Complimentary Meal
2 eggs scrambled with spinach, smoked ham, and cheese

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomatoes, onions, and black olives-bals. vinaigrette
Homemade stromboli with smoked ham, low sodium peps, colby monterey
     shredded cheese, black olives, tomato, and onion
4 duplex cookies with milk
Small part of Hubby's sub
1/2 egg roll

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Weight:  287.6

I was up a pound and some today, but I think it's because I slept in this morning. I
usually weigh myself between 4-6 am, and I slept in until after 8 today.

After synagogue, I stayed up late trialing some new games with Hubby that he rented.
I do have to say I am so glad that he has started to do this. So much money was going
out to buy games, that we rarely play. He even went and bought me a copy this year of
Tomb Raider (among a couple other lame games),  because I liked the previews.
Seriously, I have maybe played it 5 times! I just can't get into it.

Last night I played the new Assassin's Creed. I think I may like it. Hubby played
The Last Of Us. We will probably buy each other these games for Christmas, hopefully
not in place of my camera though!!

It was really nice being in synagogue again last night. I felt like I was home. There were
even people we knew from our last congregation there. That just sweetened the pot!

Well, it's time to start the day. I hope you and yours are doing
well. Have an awesome day!

Complimentary Meal
Spinach antipasto salad-ranch
kielbasa and mustard

Reward Meal
Spinach salad cukes, tomatoes-ranch
Meat spaghetti with whole wheat pasta
Garlic cheesy bread
Cookies and milk

4 cups coffee, 3 liters water

Friday, November 22, 2013


Weight: 286.3                  Total: -36.7 lbs

Good Morning! I am feeling pretty good today, hopefully that means I will
get a lot accomplished. I think I am going to go for a walk today. The past
week has been pretty much a complete waste.

Earlier this week I was nailed to my couch because of my cycle. Lots of pain,
and had lost my medication. Then for the past 2 days have been plagued with
head aches, that I actually think are coming from smoking cigarettes.

It comes also with a horrible taste in my mouth. I think it's about time to quit.
I found my vapor cigarette and charged it, but I don't like the taste of that either.
So, is G'd taking the desire away? I hope so! I have been wanting to quit for a
long time. This summer I even prayed earnestly about it.

You can call me weird, or whatever you like, but it was revealed to me that smoking
was just a symptom of something else inside that needed to be fixed. That when that
was fixed, the smoking would go too.

Well, I have 30 minutes before the house wakes up, and there is no privacy. So I am
going to get off of this computer and do something productive!! Not sure what...but

Have an awesome day people!!

Complimentary Meal
1 hard boiled egg
2 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers (no bun)
Yellow squash and Cauliflower in butter

Reward Meal
Biscuits with sausage gravy
Corn beef hash
Orange juice
1 slice Pumpkin roll
1/4 Tiramisu roll

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Staying Focused

Weight: 286.3            Total: -36.7             (Christmas Challenge:   -1.7/14= 12.3 lbs left )

Yea! All the nasty water weight is gone, and I feel almost normal! I did feel a bit
frustrated yesterday, but knowing I have all the water weight plus some finally off
makes me a bit cheerier.

Oh buggars, I want a tree up and a menorah! I only have seven days left to get
ready for Hanukkah. I do celebrate both. Hanukkah for my personal beliefs and
Christmas for the rest of my family. It's a long story, don't judge me and I won't
judge you!

In just a few pounds I will be smaller than I have been in close to 12 years. Heck,
I may already be at that point, because I can't remember the last time I weighed in
at this weight.

I feel a bit hyped this morning, I think I might be ready to press in again, and get
another big chunk of this weight off!!

Hope you all are all feeling motivated too! Have an awesome day!
Complimentary Meal
2 1/2 cups of antipasto salad

Complimentary Meal
Yellow squash
Baked chicken

Reward Meal
1/2 piece stuffed pizza
1 piece of regular
2 ice cream sandwiches

2 cups coffee, 1 gallon water

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Weight: 288.2                                       Total: -34.8

I'm getting a tad frustrated with my weight loss. Last week I did not lose at all.
This week I lost 2 lbs then gained it back. I know that it probably has to do with
water retention from my cycle. I thought I would slide through today since it was
my 3rd day on and I have been supremely good with my sodium. Ho hum...

Last night I had this beautifully healthy and tasty meal before me, and I could barely
eat anything. Two days of pain had just left a knot in my stomach. I ate as much as
I could.

I want to make this Christmas challenge so bad. If I succeed, it will mean a total of
50 pounds gone, gone, gone! When I look back at it though, this has been my tough
spot for probably 10 years. I get to about 287 and no matter what I can't lose.

Today for my brunch I plan on having mock mashed potatoes and baked chicken. I
have some antipasto salad left from lunch yesterday also. I may just have that for

I did get in touch with the girl I babysit for. She is at least alive, but I am not sure if I
will babysit for her anymore.

I know this is not a very exciting piece today, but I want to be faithful to you. I have
had so much positive feed back, and it inspires me to keep going!

Thank you! Have an awesome day people!

Complimentary Meal
9 hot wings-ranch
2 cups antipasto salad plus raw spinach

Reward meal
Baked chicken
Cauliflower and butter
Broccoli and butter
1/2 baked sweet potato
a few pieces of roasted redskin potatoes
(I had a little of everything, and I mean a little! Ham Bone and Mr. O'Malley were happy pets!)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christmas Challenge

Good morning. I skipped yesterday, because I was plagued with cramps and I
just was in no mood to sit up straight. Thankfully, I was allowed to lay on the
couch most of the day. When Hubby saw me hunched over trying to make dinner,
he shewed me back to the couch and finished it up for me.

It wouldn't have been too bad if I hadn't have lost my medication! It was in my
purse a few weeks ago and has now vanished. We have torn the house up looking
for it. I'm going to have to call the Dr and have it called in I guess.

It's days like this, that make me consider getting a hysterectomy. I was offered one,
but even though I'm finished having kids...I don't want to lose my parts. Maybe I'm
afraid I'll feel less like a woman? I don't know.

Anywho, I have gained about 1.5 pounds from retention, and since I am now in a
challenge, I hope they slide off quickly. My support group came up with the idea
of  losing 1 stone or 14 lbs by Christmas.

We made it an official post, and now have about 7 people revving up! It's very exciting
to see so much enthusiasm! If it had been something more thought out we could have
made it a fund raiser for a good cause.

All in all, everything is good here. I am looking for more side work, I haven't heard from
Hannah the girl I was babysitting for at all! I have called and text with no reply. Hopefully,
she is alright, regardless of needing to work. She still owes me money, but I don't even
care about that.

I hope all of you have a wonderful and inspiring day!
Complimentary Meal
Atkins frozen dinner ( crustless chicken pot pie)

Reward Meal
Fried pork chops
Brussel sprouts
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, fried onion, shredded cheese-Balsamic vinaigrette
Ice cream sandwich

Sunday, November 17, 2013

G'd is Good

Weight: 286.8                Total: -36.2

Today was a very nice day so far. I am writing a bit later than usual because
we went to church for my oldest, and first child to be baptized. It was very
nice to be in a house of G'd.

I had a moment of fleshly desire to correct the pastor as he preached on
biblical accuracy, because he wasn't completely accurate. I let the urgency
pass. I will though gather the information for him, so that he may be
corrected by The Word, and not personally by me.

I did find that most of his sermon was in line and it was a very inspiring.
London Bridge Baptist church has done so much for my children, and for
their presence in their life I am very thankful.

If you can not hear what is being said: "China got saved during VBS this
summer and amazingly she did it in front of all of her friends, who have
no desire to know G'd."

It was very awesome that the person who performed the baptisms, gave
my daughter a personal shout out for her courage in the face of adversity.
I may need to swallow my pride today, as I feel like a peacock flaunting
it's feathers!

Next month my daughter Bella, and my son Jericho, are to be baptized.
I will say this, I approach my faith by trying to be an example and being
open. It is especially wonderful, that they are doing this on their own

I hope that you have an exceptionally wonderful and inspiring day also.

Complimentary Meal
2 bacon, egg, and cheese Mcgriddles (without the cakes)

Reward Meal
3 pieces of fried chicken (2 legs, 1 thigh)
potato salad
baked beans with bacon
2 deviled eggs
small cup sweet tea
1/2 piece yellow cake with traditional icing
1/4 piece of coconut cake ( I really didn't enjoy either one and left it for waste)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Common Things

Weight:286.8                        Total: -36.2

I guess I dropped two pounds, and now I'm going to stay here a bit. That's
alright. It's really the least on my mind.

I'm starting a new morning schedule today. I have found that I get very side
tracked by Google+, Facebook, and my addiction to Bejeweled Blitz. It tends
to consume too much of my day.

I wake up between 4-6 am and until 9 or so I'm on the computer. Then off
and on until after dinner when I log my food. I am becoming increasingly
annoyed with myself and am now going to set limits.

I also am very upset with the girl I babysit for. I understand that right now
she doesn't know what she is doing from day to day. When I woke up I
was supposed to be babysitting at 2 pm.

I had planned to stop by the store for us to have an ice cream party, so at
1 pm when I was getting ready to walk out the door she called and said
she got another offer and wasn't going back to the store, but could I watch
them later so she could turn in her stuff, and meet with her husband.

I said sure, just drop the kids off, we'll do the party here. No call, no show.
I even tried to call her, and no one answered. I completely understand the
chaotic life. I have seven kids. You wouldn't believe how many times I change
things up in a day.

It's a "go with the flow" thing and priorities have to be changed constantly.
If you are planning with someone else though, you need to give them a shout
out at the very least. Even if you think they might be upset.

I have one friend who has multiple children, but only half the amount that I
have. We will plan to have dinner at say 6 pm. I'll have dinner on the table,
or be sitting there waiting if I am lucky for another hour. I have even
experienced a 2 hour delay, called her, and she hasn't left the house yet.

Is it hard to figure out why I don't arrange things with her very often? I am
not saying that I am completely clean of delay. Ever since I had James, my
oldest son, I have fought the clock. Just as I would have everything packed,
kids dressed, and about to walk out the door, Jimmy would scream to nurse.
By the time he finished, China would need to be changed because she had
gotten into the fridge or something.

It never failed. It took me 2 hours to get ready to do anything. Therefore, I
stopped making appointments for the most part, and only did so on days that
I had extra hands to help get me out the door. I know not everyone has this
luxury, neither did I but I did my best. At the very least made a phone call
to let the other party know.

It is just common courtesy, one of the values that have flown out the window
of society with it's partner common sense. I miss it.

The Good, The Okay's and The Stay Away's

Good: I haven't written for this section in a while. I tried Flatout Flatbread last night,
in exchange for Italian bread for my sub. It has 17 g of carbohydrates per piece. It
can be used for pizza, wraps, or sandwiches. Hint: if you are going to toast your meat
and cheese on it, like I did make sure the meat and cheese fill out the entire bread,
because it does get stiff, then breaks like a cracker. The side with the meat and
cheese stayed soft.

If it interests you, you can click the link and check to see who is selling it in your area!
Flatout Flatbread

My time is up, I have my first real photo shoot today, and then off to celebrate
James' birthday! My boy is 15!

Complimentary Meal
cheeseburger (no bun)
1 can (no salt) green beans with butter
3 dill hamburger chips

Reward Meal
Homemade Italian subs (mine on Flatout Flat Bread)
Sweet potato fries with chipolte seasoning
Keylime pie with cool whip

3 cups coffee, almost a gallon of water

Friday, November 15, 2013

Me Time

Weight: 286.8       Total: -36.2 lbs

Finally, some "Me Time!" The past few days I have been a little slack about
writing, choosing sleep over me time. Everyone in the house has a bit of
a cold and it seems as though I had caught a fraction of what everyone else

I take so many vitamins, I think I missed it for the most part. No fever, only
minor sinus upset, and a small cough. Instead of a sore throat, mine feels fuzzy
and tickly (there's a new word for you). I have felt a tad fatigue though, but
just a little.

So, I wake up and make a deal with myself. If I weigh and lose, I will write today.
If not, I go cuddle on the couch with Ham Bone and Mr. O'Malley! Here, I am.
I haven't done anything special to lose weight except for stay on plan. Being patient
with the scale has been a lot easier these days.
(Ham Bone)

                                                       (Mr. Thomas O'Malley)

I think I've just gotten to the point that I am happy with life in general. I have lost
a significant amount of weight. I look better, feel better. I have a long way to go,
but the sense of urgency is gone. I don't look in the mirror or see the number on
the scale and panic.

If I stay on plan and enjoy my food, I still have a projected loss of almost 60 lbs
by June and that is close to 100 pounds in less than a year. That's a pretty good
result for getting to eat like a normal person, for the most part.

There has also been a minefield of other things going on. Too much to put into
words. The school system had me up in arms for about two days straight. I
didn't dare go to the school. I was so mad, I was likely to unleash a strangling
onto one of those educated idiots!

I think that situation has finally concluded.  I am relieved and fairly happy with
the result, what would make me happiest is some educators that had a smidgen
of common sense. I know that is probably reaching too high.

The person, I babysit for has been having a ton of issues with her new job. I am
on stand by, basically, because her job doesn't know how to schedule people
to work. They have been giving her a day to day notice. This is just one of the
issues. So, now she is trying to find something else. At least, she is staying with
the one until she finds another (knock on wood).

As of right now I get to watch the girls today, Yea! I am planning an ice cream
party with them. No, I will not take part, maybe after dinner if I feel like desert.

I was a little disappointed this week. I had gotten a side job with a lady to take
care of her back yard. I was excited that I had enough money to do some
Christmas shopping, get my son a birthday present, and buy a new tree.

I had to drop off some paper work, and I stole a parking spot in the neighboring
Auto Zone, so I could optimize my time in and out, then still make it to the bank
to deposit it. When I came out, my van wouldn't start! Yea! There went the extra

Now here is where your prospective in life makes the difference. I had no idea I
needed a new battery. The car just so happened to die in the Auto Zone parking lot.
Because I had an side job, I actually had the money in hand to pay for it, and go on
about my day. The manager even signed me up for a reward card that took $10 off
of my purchase which allowed me to still buy a present for my boy.

Things could have been so much worse. I could have broke down somewhere else,
and have to be towed. I might of had to locate money from other means. All in all
I believe G'd was looking out for me. I didn't know there was a problem, but he did.
He orchestrated a situation, which made life so much easier for me. Giving me favor
at every turn!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Keep a good prospective and thank G'd for even
the small stuff! In everything (good and bad) give Him praise! 1 Thess 5:18

Thanks for checking in!

Complimentary Meal
Homemade double cheeseburger (no bun)
1/2 can of (no salt) green beans with butter and salt sub.

Reward Meal
2 cups spaghetti (meat with sauce and wheat pasta)
2 slices garlic bread

4 cups coffee, 1 gallon water

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Let It Snow!

Weight: 288.7

Well, I tried to breeze through weigh day, and my average even showed a gain.
I am still sitting here, and I am really okay with it.

Yesterday, I got a side job taking care of someone's yard. This lady was so neat,
that after I finished we sat around and talked for 2 hours! I had just put everything
up when it started spitting white stuff from the sky...yep snow flurries! That was

I still need to go back and tighten up the yard with a weed eater, but all in all, the
yard looks pretty good.

There's not much to talk about today, so I leave you with a bid for an awesome

Complimentary Meal
Jr Bacon cheeseburger (no bun)
Portabello Bacon melt (no bun)

Reward Meal
1 hard taco
1/2 chicken blt salad-avacado ranch dressing

5 cups coffee, 3 liters water

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I love My Life

Weight: 288.7                Total: -34.3

Yesterday I got my special time with my new babies that I watch. I really do
love these girls. They are the sweetest. Their hugs and cuddles just make my
day. I taught them about butterfly and Eskimo kisses. I made them popcorn
and juice while trying to teach them how to play Shoots and Ladders, which
we gave up on that and just played Simon Says and Red Light-Green Light!

I didn't get a chance to precook dinner yesterday. I was on the computer
booking photo shoots! I now have 2 Christmas family portraits, 1 Valentines
portrait, and possibly 3 weddings for next year. I just can't get over how
fast this is going. I don't even have business cards, or a business name.

I don't even have a professional grade camera! Granted that the camera I do
have is close to professional grade, it does not look the part. It will have to do,
for the time, and hopefully just as G'd has graced me with the jobs, he will
also bless me with the equipment, knowledge, and talent.

I have been sitting at the same weight pretty much all week, but I'm alright with
that right now. I have been enjoying my food, and plan, maybe a little too much.
I haven't gained though, and that is great! I may have lost a little if I had been better
with my water yesterday.

Tomorrow is the end of my weigh week though, so I may push a little harder
today with my water, and exclude a dessert tonight. I like ending the week with
a loss! Funny how that sounds!

Counting my blessings today. I am happily employed, we are healthy, we have
a home (not just shelter), food on our table, and an answer to prayer. G'd is
good indeed!

It's going to be a busy day of cleaning the house, running errands and possibly
a side job, YEA! I hope your day is awesome, and that your blessings outweigh
the other stuff.

Complimentary Meal
Roast Beef
1 can (no salt) green beans with butter

Reward Meal
Papa Murphy's stuffed pizza
Spice cake with Krispy Kreme glaze (YUM)

3 cups coffee,  2.5 liters water

Monday, November 11, 2013

I Am Okay

Weight: 288.7                   Total: -34.3

I didn't post yesterday, because I just didn't have much to say. I've been
about the same weight all week, and believe it or not, I am alright with it.

I did have something come up and made we wonder though. A few nights
ago as I went to bed, I had a cramp like feeling in my left side. The next
day I had the same feeling in the right side. I am ovulating! I
haven't had that feel in so long...WOW!

Now not that I am going to take any action with that, seven mouths are
enough, and Hubby has been fixed. Just to know that I have lost to the
point of fertility again, is kind of cool.

Now, I wonder if ovulation can cause an increase of water retention? I
have to know!

My meals the day before were pretty typical. We had Chicken Roulade left
over, so I ate that and asparagus for all my meals. Last time I think I ate it
for 3 days straight.

My computer is dying, and I have no idea where Dad put the charger
so I need to put this out there.

Have an awesome day guys!


Complimentary Meal
Hot & Spicy chicken breast
1 1/2 cups of spinach

Reward Meal
spinach salad with cukes, tomatoes, shredded cheese, black olives,
            fried onions- ranch
Pot roast with potatoes, carrots, onions
1/4 cup stuffing
slice of spice cake with Krispy Kreme glaze over it

1 glass sweet tea, 4 cups coffee, 1 gallon water

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Important Decisions

Weight: 289.2                Total: -33.8

Yesterday I had the energy of a 20 year old. My back was hurting by the
end of the night, cramping right above my hip. It was definitely a day of
revelation though.

I am going to continue solely on The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, and just
take what comes as far as weight loss timing. I am dropping my ultimate
goal of being 160 pounds by June.

The Reason: I have so much energy the day after following CAD, I can
barely contain it. The days after I do low carb, I do not. I pick the energy.
I also find myself more grumpy on those LC days, which is not my normal

I also had this non scale victory of the upper proportion! While I was shopping
a skinny girl asked me for help finding something. I guess I look like I know what
I'm doing? As I'm looking throughout the isles, she complains "you walk to fast
for me!" What?! HA HA HA HA...THAT my friends has NEVER happened!

I have decided to stay with Hannah and her girls for my job, and go back
to school. I will be getting my degree in Early Childhood Development and
Nurses Aid, with certifications in CPR and First Aid.

If at some point I am not needed with her and hers, then I will have something
to fall back on. I will also continue to enjoy periodic photo shoots as my beloved

 It's going to be a busy day today, cleaning then baby sitting, then dinner and
so on. I hope you can come to some conclusions in your life today also. It is
very unburdening to know, to have a plan, to be able to look forward and proceed!

Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
2 stalks celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
2 pizza flowers
1 can no salt green beans with butter

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, black olives, fried onion,
      shredded cheese- Olive garden light dressing
Chicken roulade with sherry cream sauce (I ate probably 3 servings)
Lemon cupcake with cream cheese

3 cups coffee (black), 1 gallon water, 1/2 glass of sweet tea

Friday, November 8, 2013

It's About What You Do, Not What You Say.

Weight: 289.8

My little reward meal cost me a bit and I know why. I was out of spinach
so I didn't have a salad, therefore I ate more other stuff. It's okay, back on
ol' train again today. The best part is it's mostly the sodium and I enjoyed
every bite!

My hopes were to do grocery shopping yesterday morning. When I noticed
my check wasn't in the bank, I went to Walmart to retrieve it. They couldn't
find it either. After several hours on the phone between corporate and my bank
it was finally located, but since they put it in the wrong account, who knows
how long it'll be before it's actually in my hands!

This is my luck ladies and gentleman. Any attempt to make things easier, will
end up making things harder. So, now I have to ask the lady I babysit for, for
an advance just to have gas to get back and forth to her house. YEA!!

I know she won't mind. She understands the lot. She drew the same one.

Two of my kids are doing a discipleship program at their church, and I think it
is awesome. Last night I was filling out all of the paperwork for it. They have to
sign a contract about acting G'dly and are being taught biblical principals.

It's not that I haven't already taught them this, but it is on a much higher level
then I could possibly teach them. It is such a great opportunity for them, I'm
even a little envious! Not in a bad way though.

I have to share a little something. Since I have been eating salad at dinner every
night, my kids are starting to follow suit. Which is one reason I ran out of spinach
early. First it was China asking for some of mine, then Bella asked for one, after her
Jericho. Then I nearly fell out. My little junk food junkie, I hate vegetables, Trinity
started asking for one.

Just by eating with them, and them seeing me eat night after night, they have
started to follow suit. I have not coaxed them or even slightly suggested it.
At the present time I have 4 out of 7 kids eating spinach salad almost every

That just amazes me!

I hope you have an awesome day. I really do mean it!


Complimentary Meal
2 slices provolone
1 can green beans
2 stalks celery with cream cheese

Reward Meal
1 2/3 slices of Papa Murphy's stuffed pizza (chicken bacon)
16 tortilla chips
1/3 cup shredded cheese
4 tbsp salsa
1 cupcake with butter cream icing

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Get Up Offa That Thing- Happy Dance Time!!

Weight: 288.6                        Total: -34.4

Seeing a drop for 2 days straight makes me hopeful, that I'll breeze through
this area that has always been a tough spot! A couple years ago I got down
to 287, and no matter what, I couldn't go any farther. I am pretty confident
though, that it will not happen this time.

Tonight is reward night! YEA! I promised the kids to have a great new desert
for dinner tonight, and I have absolutely no idea what! Guess, I've got some
surfing to do.

Yesterday, I actually had 3 meals and stayed under my calorie and carb limit.
I did good! Today though I will only have 2 since it's a reward night.

Let me just say, you are not required to keep a calorie limit with this way of
eating. I first put it into place so that I would learn to be more of a moderate
eater, and not binge. To help myself be accountable to what I put into my body.
If I go over on that self imposed ceiling, it's all good mate! 

As the weeks wore on, I realized I needed this limit to make sure I was eating
enough. I have days where I barely eat 900, just out of plain not being hungry.
So, if I see at the end of the day I am short, I'll try to add something to my dinner
to bring those calories up.

I do not want to starve nor binge! I want to do this the healthy way. Again, this
limit is solely on me, and has nothing to do with low carb living, or The Carbohydrate
Addict's Diet!

Dad comes down today for the weekend. YEA!! But that means there is some
prepping to do! Clean sheets, organizing (AGAIN) the girls room, and general
cleaning and straightening, so he doesn't feel as though he's coming into a pit.

I hope that all is well with your day! I leave you with a Happy Dance!
Get up offa that thing by James Brown


Meal 1
2 hard boiled eggs
2 stalks of celery

Meal 2
Spinach salad with cukes, pepperoni, provolone-ranch
3 oz pan seared pork chop

Meal 3
1 1/2 cups sauteed cabbage
1 baked leg quarter (chicken)
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, provolone,
          low sodium pepperonis-ranch

1 gallon water, 3 cups coffee

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Boy Did I Breeze Through!! (End of weighing week)

Start weight: 323     Current: 289.3       Total: -33.7 (in 10 weeks)

Insanity on the highest levels! I was sitting at the same weight for almost 2 weeks,
and BAM I get a loss of 3.1 pounds in a day! What is that about?! It made my weekly
average as 1.3, but we all know what number I am looking at!

You know, yesterday I said something about this part from 299 to 199 being the
longest part. But when you pass a zero it's almost like getting older in reverse! When
I turned 30 years old, I was depressed for months. It may happen again next year
as I turn 40.

To surpass 290 pounds without even seeing the number, is kinda like that!! Wow! I am
so happy today I am beside myself! At this rate, if I don't make goal by June I will be
damn close! Close is good enough for me too, because I know I have finally found the

I know how to get this weight off, and most importantly, I know how to keep it off!

Yesterday, I got to babysit my girls again. This time I brought my daughter Bella to play
with the oldest one. The itty bitty baby was super fussy. I think she is going through
a growth spurt. She would sleep for 20 minutes then want to eat again! It was a good
night though, I love watching these kids!

Well, I am off to start the day! I pray blessings are heaped upon you, and joy abundantly!

Meal 1
2 hard boiled eggs
2 stalks celery with cream cheese

Meal 2
Pan seared pork chop (with sesame oil, garlic and onion powder)
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, fried onions- ranch

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Breezing Through

Weight: 292.8                         Total: -30.2

This is the last day in my weigh week, and week 10 will be at it's close.
Officially I have been on this way of eating for 2 months, and been
bouncing back and forth at this weight, give or take a pound, for about 2
weeks now.

I slacked up from the race for a few days, and just followed the CA diet.
It's time to tighten up, and lose some more fat though. I will be going
completely low carb today. Hopefully I will breeze through tomorrow's
weigh in with new numbers!

I think this part of my lifestyle makeover is going to be the longest. The
first 27 pounds and the last 40, probably won't be so bad. It's the stretch
between 299 and 199 that will seem like eternity.

I've been spending a lot of time on Pintrest pinning pictures of ideas for my
transformation makeover. I also have been carousing surgeons for that
inevitable tummy tuck, lower body lift, breast augmentation I will be needing.

I probably won't go bigger on the boobs, no matter how small they get. I'll
just have a lift, so I don't have floppy bags. I've noticed a lot of surgeons
have a special package called "Mommy Makeover." I'm not sure if I will fit
into that category or not. It's still somewhere between $15-20,000.

That price is great compared to 17 years ago, when I first researched it!
Less than half. But it's still a hefty price. I would need to save $833 for the next
24 months to afford it.

I've had a couple non-scale victories this week. A pair of pants that I couldn't
fit at the beginning, are just about to hit the goodwill pile. Last night when
cuddling on the couch with Hubby, I wasn't being harassed by the wood
support in the back. I also didn't feel squished. Oh and I wore a pair of
21/22's this week without cutting off blood flow!

Hopefully by Thanksgiving I'll be in a pair of 20's. I couldn't tell you the last
time I was in a size 20. Maybe, just maybe, 14 years but it might be longer.

Well I guess it's time to bid you good day, and get my show on the road!

Complimentary Meal
2 scrabbled eggs with spinach cheese and smoked ham

Reward Meal
3 small fried pork chops
1/4 cup of instant mashed potatoes
1/2 cup of green beans and corn
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, fried onions-ranch
piece of key lime pie with cool whip

1 gallon water
3 cups of green tea

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Best Laid Plans

Weight: 293                                  Total: 30 lbs

What was it I said about best laid plans of mice and men? I went to make mashed
sweet potatoes last night, and they had gone bad. Then I went to fry the pork chops
and someone had put them in the freezer! Oh, I was so disappointed. I was still on
plan though. It just wasn't the dinner I was expecting!

So here I sit, at the same weight again. I am happy for the weight I've lost, and if
I have to sit for a minute, I guess 30 lbs lost is a good place to hold at.

I have a job interview and a job fair to go to this morning. So I'm going to make
this super short. My brain is on everything except writing anyways, especially
since my phone is burning up with texts!

Have a happy productive day!

Complimentary Meal
4 oz cheeseburger (no bun)
3 cups sauteed cabbage (not burnt this time)

Reward meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, fried onions-ranch
1 cup cooked spinach
3 oz burger patty

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Date Night With The Miller's

Weight: 293                          Total: -30 lbs (up 0.6 from yesterday)

Last night Hubby and me had a date night at the movies. We try to go on dates
at least once or twice a month. Sometimes we don't because of finances, but
we try. Dad tries to get us out almost every time he comes down too.

Rarely is there a movie out that I really care to see, so Robert usually picks the
flick. I have been waiting what seems to be endlessly for this movie to come
out at Redbox. I finally gave in and we made it a night out, kid-free.

It IS funny. It was worth the money to see, and I enjoyed every minute of our
night. We even came home to the boys having cleaned up the living room and
dining room. That was icing on the cake.

So I knew that I would probably go up a bit today, because movie popcorn is
so salty. I have been craving popcorn for over a week now, and let myself
enjoy it.

Staying moderate and within my hour. I had a Kansas BBQ sandwich with fries,
coleslaw, and possibly the smallest side salad ever seen. About half way
through my sandwich, I took the the bread off and just ate the meat.

There also was plenty of fries and popcorn left for waste. This has been very
hard for me to learn and apply, because I was taught to clean my plate. If you
were also taught this, then you know how hard it is emotionally and mentally,
to leave food on your plate for waste. I could have brought it home, but for

Tonight, the plan is having a small fried pork chop, with a sweet potato and spinach.
I may or may not have desert. Hopefully, the well laid plans of mice and men are
actually effective.

Sometime during the movie my back started hurting. It hurt through the night, and
I ended up staying in bed until 7 this morning. Even on a weekend this is not normal,
because I enjoy my coffee and computer time by myself so much.

Finally, I gave in since I had to get up to get the pain pills anyway. If any of you are
frequent readers, you know that I hardly ever take my pain pills. It was a no option
this morning. I am particularly upset about this, because it means that I am no
where near getting approval for higher impact exercise.

I am not even supposed to be dancing right now, which I sometimes ignore, because
I love it so much. Walking is boring, Pilates is great is also BORING! I want to
be playing soccer, or football, running, skating (which will probably NEVER happen

So, Tis The Season. November 1st marks the holidays for me. Christmas and
Thanksgiving are a special wonderful time for me. I am the kind of person that
lives for the holidays. Family, crafts, gifts, lights, just makes me a jolly
ol' gal. Yay!

I have read this post by Ben Stein several times and it is possibly the best
explanation of why our country has gone to shit. I've included a link, if
you care to read it also...

Ben Stein "Tis The Season" by Be & Don

Have an awesome day!


Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
2 mozzarella cheese sticks

Reward Meal
Kansas BBQ sandwich with coleslaw (1/2 with bun, 1/2 without)
Small side salad-ranch
movie popcorn

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Bust A Move!

Weight: 292.4                   Total: -30.6

It finally moved!! Yea!! I am down to where I was and better, for a total
move of 1.7 pounds. Granted it's only 0.6 better, but after not moving
at all, this is great!

Yesterday I was called for a babysitting job. It really wasn't as bad as I
thought it would be. For half of the day I had 5 kids (including Jude) all
3 and under. Then at 3:30 pm, the big sister came home from school. Ah,
that was nice! An extra set of hands.

I may be taking them on full time, and I'm actually looking forward to it!
The biggest problem was remembering everyone's name, and pay attention
to both babies. One is not quite a year, the other is only 2 months.

Every time Jude came down to go potty he would say "I'm going to go back
and play with my girls!" Which I thought was hilarious.  "His Girls" were
the 2 and 3 year old cuties, that were both unbelievably articulate.

I tried to wait until I got home before I ate, but I at around 5 pm was worried
I'd feel famished by then, so I went ahead and ordered in and fixed the kiddos
something also.

At the end of the night I got a few I love you's, that completely melted my
heart. What a way to end the day! That is the feeling I want at the end of a
work day. Maybe child care or some other form of care, is where I need to be.

Have an awesome day everyone!
Complimentary Meal
4 oz cheeseburger (no bun)
*I was going to have sauteed cabbage, but walked away and burnt it! UGH

Reward Meal
7 naked hot wings with ranch
Small Greek Salad with oil and vinagar
1 fun size Kit Kat, Reese cup, and 10 candy corns

Friday, November 1, 2013

Body Changes Might Not Always Be For The Better

Weight: 294.1

Oh my L'rd, this is driving me crazy, crAZY, CRAZY! I'm stuck still and I don't
know what to do except stay on course.

Last night, I was so hungry after having such a small lunch, I went ahead and
had a regular CAD meal. I did really well, but Hubby made the sauce. I'm sure
it was probably higher in sodium than if I had made it. The good thing is, I'll
use what I was going to eat for dinner, for my lunch today. Cheeseburger, no
bun and sauteed cabbage.

We've been in a debate about seasoning food lately. I think he's making an honest
effort. I don't suppose he's trying to sabotage me intentionally, but I may need to
be more in command at the stove.

Speaking of Hubby, we made another weight loss discovery last night, and I'm not
sure if it's a positive. I've always known that he was, let's say, well endowed. Big,
but not too big. Well last night it actually hurt. I'm hoping it was a fluke.

Before it was pleasantly painful, today hours later I still am tender about the abdomen.
I am really concerned about this. Very, very concerned. Even at my highest, I had a
high drive. I really don't know what to think.

If weather permits, I'm going to take the big walk today around the circle. I have
found myself the last two afternoons, aching for some exercise. Afternoons are
hectic, so it's usually a bad time for an exercise break.

I still have something going on with my shoulder, because my hand gets tingly several
times a day. The pain is gone though. With that said, it's time to hit the mat again
with Pilates, stretching, and walking.

I hope y'all have a wonderful day! Thanks for stopping by!

Complimentary Meal
2 slices grilled bologna
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward meal
Spinach salad with cukes, 3 grape tomatoes, shredded cheese-ranch
2 1/2 cups of Spaghetti with burger, sausage, wheat noodles, and Parmesan
2 fudge striped shortbread cookies

1 1/2 gallons of water