Friday, November 15, 2013

Me Time

Weight: 286.8       Total: -36.2 lbs

Finally, some "Me Time!" The past few days I have been a little slack about
writing, choosing sleep over me time. Everyone in the house has a bit of
a cold and it seems as though I had caught a fraction of what everyone else

I take so many vitamins, I think I missed it for the most part. No fever, only
minor sinus upset, and a small cough. Instead of a sore throat, mine feels fuzzy
and tickly (there's a new word for you). I have felt a tad fatigue though, but
just a little.

So, I wake up and make a deal with myself. If I weigh and lose, I will write today.
If not, I go cuddle on the couch with Ham Bone and Mr. O'Malley! Here, I am.
I haven't done anything special to lose weight except for stay on plan. Being patient
with the scale has been a lot easier these days.
(Ham Bone)

                                                       (Mr. Thomas O'Malley)

I think I've just gotten to the point that I am happy with life in general. I have lost
a significant amount of weight. I look better, feel better. I have a long way to go,
but the sense of urgency is gone. I don't look in the mirror or see the number on
the scale and panic.

If I stay on plan and enjoy my food, I still have a projected loss of almost 60 lbs
by June and that is close to 100 pounds in less than a year. That's a pretty good
result for getting to eat like a normal person, for the most part.

There has also been a minefield of other things going on. Too much to put into
words. The school system had me up in arms for about two days straight. I
didn't dare go to the school. I was so mad, I was likely to unleash a strangling
onto one of those educated idiots!

I think that situation has finally concluded.  I am relieved and fairly happy with
the result, what would make me happiest is some educators that had a smidgen
of common sense. I know that is probably reaching too high.

The person, I babysit for has been having a ton of issues with her new job. I am
on stand by, basically, because her job doesn't know how to schedule people
to work. They have been giving her a day to day notice. This is just one of the
issues. So, now she is trying to find something else. At least, she is staying with
the one until she finds another (knock on wood).

As of right now I get to watch the girls today, Yea! I am planning an ice cream
party with them. No, I will not take part, maybe after dinner if I feel like desert.

I was a little disappointed this week. I had gotten a side job with a lady to take
care of her back yard. I was excited that I had enough money to do some
Christmas shopping, get my son a birthday present, and buy a new tree.

I had to drop off some paper work, and I stole a parking spot in the neighboring
Auto Zone, so I could optimize my time in and out, then still make it to the bank
to deposit it. When I came out, my van wouldn't start! Yea! There went the extra

Now here is where your prospective in life makes the difference. I had no idea I
needed a new battery. The car just so happened to die in the Auto Zone parking lot.
Because I had an side job, I actually had the money in hand to pay for it, and go on
about my day. The manager even signed me up for a reward card that took $10 off
of my purchase which allowed me to still buy a present for my boy.

Things could have been so much worse. I could have broke down somewhere else,
and have to be towed. I might of had to locate money from other means. All in all
I believe G'd was looking out for me. I didn't know there was a problem, but he did.
He orchestrated a situation, which made life so much easier for me. Giving me favor
at every turn!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Keep a good prospective and thank G'd for even
the small stuff! In everything (good and bad) give Him praise! 1 Thess 5:18

Thanks for checking in!

Complimentary Meal
Homemade double cheeseburger (no bun)
1/2 can of (no salt) green beans with butter and salt sub.

Reward Meal
2 cups spaghetti (meat with sauce and wheat pasta)
2 slices garlic bread

4 cups coffee, 1 gallon water

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