Thursday, November 21, 2013

Staying Focused

Weight: 286.3            Total: -36.7             (Christmas Challenge:   -1.7/14= 12.3 lbs left )

Yea! All the nasty water weight is gone, and I feel almost normal! I did feel a bit
frustrated yesterday, but knowing I have all the water weight plus some finally off
makes me a bit cheerier.

Oh buggars, I want a tree up and a menorah! I only have seven days left to get
ready for Hanukkah. I do celebrate both. Hanukkah for my personal beliefs and
Christmas for the rest of my family. It's a long story, don't judge me and I won't
judge you!

In just a few pounds I will be smaller than I have been in close to 12 years. Heck,
I may already be at that point, because I can't remember the last time I weighed in
at this weight.

I feel a bit hyped this morning, I think I might be ready to press in again, and get
another big chunk of this weight off!!

Hope you all are all feeling motivated too! Have an awesome day!
Complimentary Meal
2 1/2 cups of antipasto salad

Complimentary Meal
Yellow squash
Baked chicken

Reward Meal
1/2 piece stuffed pizza
1 piece of regular
2 ice cream sandwiches

2 cups coffee, 1 gallon water

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