Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trying Something New

Half The Girl
Weight: 286.6               Total: -36.4

I actually had a really good low carb day yesterday. I guess the third time is a
charm, but I still stayed at the same weight, and even felt a little deprived at
dinner, while everyone enjoyed the roasted red potatoes.

So, if something fails, try something new...right?! From here on out at my reward
meals I am going to eat a salad, a cup of yogurt, and a fruit...then continue with
whatever else may fit. Let's see how that goes!

His Faithfulness

I don't have much time today. Bella and Jericho want me to wake them early
for hot chocolate and muffins while we study the bible. I just can't believe, I
have kids that want to get up and study. Rob said it was for the goodies, but
that was my idea after they both asked for some time in the morning.

We are going to be studying "38 Things That Happen When We Get Saved".
Lately I have noticed myself trying to draw nearer to Him, it's not an effort
thing for the most part. It is an actual yearning over all the other distractions in

I'm guessing that it is due to my children growing closer to Him that has spurred
this. He has been faithful to me, even when I am not to Him. I have always found
myself trying to draw nearer when my life was in shambles, then after the storm
resuming normal life. This is shameful, but it is truth.

My life is not in shambles though. This is more than discipline, this is a weighing
need and desire. A desire to seek His face, and a need to feel His presence.

I did not intend to speak a lot about my faith on this blog, and whether or not,
anyone reads this segment that seems to be forming. I just need to write about it.

I hope you all have an awesome day! Shalom!

Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs

Complimentary Meal
Spinach with mozzarella

Reward Meal
Baked chicken breast

2 cups coffee, 1 gallon water

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