Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christmas Challenge

Good morning. I skipped yesterday, because I was plagued with cramps and I
just was in no mood to sit up straight. Thankfully, I was allowed to lay on the
couch most of the day. When Hubby saw me hunched over trying to make dinner,
he shewed me back to the couch and finished it up for me.

It wouldn't have been too bad if I hadn't have lost my medication! It was in my
purse a few weeks ago and has now vanished. We have torn the house up looking
for it. I'm going to have to call the Dr and have it called in I guess.

It's days like this, that make me consider getting a hysterectomy. I was offered one,
but even though I'm finished having kids...I don't want to lose my parts. Maybe I'm
afraid I'll feel less like a woman? I don't know.

Anywho, I have gained about 1.5 pounds from retention, and since I am now in a
challenge, I hope they slide off quickly. My support group came up with the idea
of  losing 1 stone or 14 lbs by Christmas.

We made it an official post, and now have about 7 people revving up! It's very exciting
to see so much enthusiasm! If it had been something more thought out we could have
made it a fund raiser for a good cause.

All in all, everything is good here. I am looking for more side work, I haven't heard from
Hannah the girl I was babysitting for at all! I have called and text with no reply. Hopefully,
she is alright, regardless of needing to work. She still owes me money, but I don't even
care about that.

I hope all of you have a wonderful and inspiring day!
Complimentary Meal
Atkins frozen dinner ( crustless chicken pot pie)

Reward Meal
Fried pork chops
Brussel sprouts
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, fried onion, shredded cheese-Balsamic vinaigrette
Ice cream sandwich

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