Friday, November 1, 2013

Body Changes Might Not Always Be For The Better

Weight: 294.1

Oh my L'rd, this is driving me crazy, crAZY, CRAZY! I'm stuck still and I don't
know what to do except stay on course.

Last night, I was so hungry after having such a small lunch, I went ahead and
had a regular CAD meal. I did really well, but Hubby made the sauce. I'm sure
it was probably higher in sodium than if I had made it. The good thing is, I'll
use what I was going to eat for dinner, for my lunch today. Cheeseburger, no
bun and sauteed cabbage.

We've been in a debate about seasoning food lately. I think he's making an honest
effort. I don't suppose he's trying to sabotage me intentionally, but I may need to
be more in command at the stove.

Speaking of Hubby, we made another weight loss discovery last night, and I'm not
sure if it's a positive. I've always known that he was, let's say, well endowed. Big,
but not too big. Well last night it actually hurt. I'm hoping it was a fluke.

Before it was pleasantly painful, today hours later I still am tender about the abdomen.
I am really concerned about this. Very, very concerned. Even at my highest, I had a
high drive. I really don't know what to think.

If weather permits, I'm going to take the big walk today around the circle. I have
found myself the last two afternoons, aching for some exercise. Afternoons are
hectic, so it's usually a bad time for an exercise break.

I still have something going on with my shoulder, because my hand gets tingly several
times a day. The pain is gone though. With that said, it's time to hit the mat again
with Pilates, stretching, and walking.

I hope y'all have a wonderful day! Thanks for stopping by!

Complimentary Meal
2 slices grilled bologna
1 stalk celery with cream cheese

Reward meal
Spinach salad with cukes, 3 grape tomatoes, shredded cheese-ranch
2 1/2 cups of Spaghetti with burger, sausage, wheat noodles, and Parmesan
2 fudge striped shortbread cookies

1 1/2 gallons of water


  1. Interesting....Fat tissue holds a lot of estrogen, and when you lose weight that gets released, so maybe hormones could have something to do with being extra sensitive? I am glad you are hanging in there. I started day one today, although right now am mostly just doing a reward meal if I can manage it. I do better with fasting than if I start eating, even low carb stuff.

  2. You can do it Julie! I felt the same way at first, because eating breakfast usually made me feel insatiable all day. I just tried to follow the book, and from day one I was able to make it through. Now my CM portions at the beginning were huge, but by the second week was noticing they were smaller and smaller. *side note* Yesterday morning we tried again, and different positions, it was better. Guess we'll have to be creative, and creative can be fun!
