Sunday, November 17, 2013

G'd is Good

Weight: 286.8                Total: -36.2

Today was a very nice day so far. I am writing a bit later than usual because
we went to church for my oldest, and first child to be baptized. It was very
nice to be in a house of G'd.

I had a moment of fleshly desire to correct the pastor as he preached on
biblical accuracy, because he wasn't completely accurate. I let the urgency
pass. I will though gather the information for him, so that he may be
corrected by The Word, and not personally by me.

I did find that most of his sermon was in line and it was a very inspiring.
London Bridge Baptist church has done so much for my children, and for
their presence in their life I am very thankful.

If you can not hear what is being said: "China got saved during VBS this
summer and amazingly she did it in front of all of her friends, who have
no desire to know G'd."

It was very awesome that the person who performed the baptisms, gave
my daughter a personal shout out for her courage in the face of adversity.
I may need to swallow my pride today, as I feel like a peacock flaunting
it's feathers!

Next month my daughter Bella, and my son Jericho, are to be baptized.
I will say this, I approach my faith by trying to be an example and being
open. It is especially wonderful, that they are doing this on their own

I hope that you have an exceptionally wonderful and inspiring day also.

Complimentary Meal
2 bacon, egg, and cheese Mcgriddles (without the cakes)

Reward Meal
3 pieces of fried chicken (2 legs, 1 thigh)
potato salad
baked beans with bacon
2 deviled eggs
small cup sweet tea
1/2 piece yellow cake with traditional icing
1/4 piece of coconut cake ( I really didn't enjoy either one and left it for waste)

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