Saturday, November 9, 2013

Important Decisions

Weight: 289.2                Total: -33.8

Yesterday I had the energy of a 20 year old. My back was hurting by the
end of the night, cramping right above my hip. It was definitely a day of
revelation though.

I am going to continue solely on The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, and just
take what comes as far as weight loss timing. I am dropping my ultimate
goal of being 160 pounds by June.

The Reason: I have so much energy the day after following CAD, I can
barely contain it. The days after I do low carb, I do not. I pick the energy.
I also find myself more grumpy on those LC days, which is not my normal

I also had this non scale victory of the upper proportion! While I was shopping
a skinny girl asked me for help finding something. I guess I look like I know what
I'm doing? As I'm looking throughout the isles, she complains "you walk to fast
for me!" What?! HA HA HA HA...THAT my friends has NEVER happened!

I have decided to stay with Hannah and her girls for my job, and go back
to school. I will be getting my degree in Early Childhood Development and
Nurses Aid, with certifications in CPR and First Aid.

If at some point I am not needed with her and hers, then I will have something
to fall back on. I will also continue to enjoy periodic photo shoots as my beloved

 It's going to be a busy day today, cleaning then baby sitting, then dinner and
so on. I hope you can come to some conclusions in your life today also. It is
very unburdening to know, to have a plan, to be able to look forward and proceed!

Complimentary Meal
2 hard boiled eggs
2 stalks celery with cream cheese

Complimentary Meal
2 pizza flowers
1 can no salt green beans with butter

Reward Meal
Spinach salad with cukes, tomato, black olives, fried onion,
      shredded cheese- Olive garden light dressing
Chicken roulade with sherry cream sauce (I ate probably 3 servings)
Lemon cupcake with cream cheese

3 cups coffee (black), 1 gallon water, 1/2 glass of sweet tea

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