Friday, November 8, 2013

It's About What You Do, Not What You Say.

Weight: 289.8

My little reward meal cost me a bit and I know why. I was out of spinach
so I didn't have a salad, therefore I ate more other stuff. It's okay, back on
ol' train again today. The best part is it's mostly the sodium and I enjoyed
every bite!

My hopes were to do grocery shopping yesterday morning. When I noticed
my check wasn't in the bank, I went to Walmart to retrieve it. They couldn't
find it either. After several hours on the phone between corporate and my bank
it was finally located, but since they put it in the wrong account, who knows
how long it'll be before it's actually in my hands!

This is my luck ladies and gentleman. Any attempt to make things easier, will
end up making things harder. So, now I have to ask the lady I babysit for, for
an advance just to have gas to get back and forth to her house. YEA!!

I know she won't mind. She understands the lot. She drew the same one.

Two of my kids are doing a discipleship program at their church, and I think it
is awesome. Last night I was filling out all of the paperwork for it. They have to
sign a contract about acting G'dly and are being taught biblical principals.

It's not that I haven't already taught them this, but it is on a much higher level
then I could possibly teach them. It is such a great opportunity for them, I'm
even a little envious! Not in a bad way though.

I have to share a little something. Since I have been eating salad at dinner every
night, my kids are starting to follow suit. Which is one reason I ran out of spinach
early. First it was China asking for some of mine, then Bella asked for one, after her
Jericho. Then I nearly fell out. My little junk food junkie, I hate vegetables, Trinity
started asking for one.

Just by eating with them, and them seeing me eat night after night, they have
started to follow suit. I have not coaxed them or even slightly suggested it.
At the present time I have 4 out of 7 kids eating spinach salad almost every

That just amazes me!

I hope you have an awesome day. I really do mean it!


Complimentary Meal
2 slices provolone
1 can green beans
2 stalks celery with cream cheese

Reward Meal
1 2/3 slices of Papa Murphy's stuffed pizza (chicken bacon)
16 tortilla chips
1/3 cup shredded cheese
4 tbsp salsa
1 cupcake with butter cream icing

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