Monday, November 25, 2013

Ho Hum...

Weight: 287.7

I burnt my low carb, seriously I burned it! Just as I put the food on the
stove to cook, the phone rang. Dad wanted to Skype with Jericho to help him
study for his tests next week. I fuddled around and around with the computer,
because it would not call him.

Just as I hung up, I could smell something burning. It was my cauliflower. At least
I had my kielbasa and cabbage, right?! Well, I thought I had turned it down when
I returned to the computer, and finally got the Skype to work only to find the mic
wasn't turned on. By the time I gave up on finding the control for the mic, I AGAIN
could smell burning.

I actually cooked dinner twice.The second time I made chili. I was super sad this
morning to see the scale had bounced upwards a pound again. If I was on any
other way of eating, I would want to give up. I am in this for the long haul though.

Total satisfaction, by the way I eat, and I get to lose weight too. Well, at least I
was losing weight with it. I really want to get this fat suit off that I've been lugging
around almost my whole life.

Complimentary Meal
cabbage and kielbasa (what I could salvage)

Reward Meal
6 hershey kisses

3 cups of coffee, 1 gallon water

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