Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Breezing Through

Weight: 292.8                         Total: -30.2

This is the last day in my weigh week, and week 10 will be at it's close.
Officially I have been on this way of eating for 2 months, and been
bouncing back and forth at this weight, give or take a pound, for about 2
weeks now.

I slacked up from the race for a few days, and just followed the CA diet.
It's time to tighten up, and lose some more fat though. I will be going
completely low carb today. Hopefully I will breeze through tomorrow's
weigh in with new numbers!

I think this part of my lifestyle makeover is going to be the longest. The
first 27 pounds and the last 40, probably won't be so bad. It's the stretch
between 299 and 199 that will seem like eternity.

I've been spending a lot of time on Pintrest pinning pictures of ideas for my
transformation makeover. I also have been carousing surgeons for that
inevitable tummy tuck, lower body lift, breast augmentation I will be needing.

I probably won't go bigger on the boobs, no matter how small they get. I'll
just have a lift, so I don't have floppy bags. I've noticed a lot of surgeons
have a special package called "Mommy Makeover." I'm not sure if I will fit
into that category or not. It's still somewhere between $15-20,000.

That price is great compared to 17 years ago, when I first researched it!
Less than half. But it's still a hefty price. I would need to save $833 for the next
24 months to afford it.

I've had a couple non-scale victories this week. A pair of pants that I couldn't
fit at the beginning, are just about to hit the goodwill pile. Last night when
cuddling on the couch with Hubby, I wasn't being harassed by the wood
support in the back. I also didn't feel squished. Oh and I wore a pair of
21/22's this week without cutting off blood flow!

Hopefully by Thanksgiving I'll be in a pair of 20's. I couldn't tell you the last
time I was in a size 20. Maybe, just maybe, 14 years but it might be longer.

Well I guess it's time to bid you good day, and get my show on the road!

Complimentary Meal
2 scrabbled eggs with spinach cheese and smoked ham

Reward Meal
3 small fried pork chops
1/4 cup of instant mashed potatoes
1/2 cup of green beans and corn
spinach salad with cukes, tomato, shredded cheese, fried onions-ranch
piece of key lime pie with cool whip

1 gallon water
3 cups of green tea

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