Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I love My Life

Weight: 288.7                Total: -34.3

Yesterday I got my special time with my new babies that I watch. I really do
love these girls. They are the sweetest. Their hugs and cuddles just make my
day. I taught them about butterfly and Eskimo kisses. I made them popcorn
and juice while trying to teach them how to play Shoots and Ladders, which
we gave up on that and just played Simon Says and Red Light-Green Light!

I didn't get a chance to precook dinner yesterday. I was on the computer
booking photo shoots! I now have 2 Christmas family portraits, 1 Valentines
portrait, and possibly 3 weddings for next year. I just can't get over how
fast this is going. I don't even have business cards, or a business name.

I don't even have a professional grade camera! Granted that the camera I do
have is close to professional grade, it does not look the part. It will have to do,
for the time, and hopefully just as G'd has graced me with the jobs, he will
also bless me with the equipment, knowledge, and talent.

I have been sitting at the same weight pretty much all week, but I'm alright with
that right now. I have been enjoying my food, and plan, maybe a little too much.
I haven't gained though, and that is great! I may have lost a little if I had been better
with my water yesterday.

Tomorrow is the end of my weigh week though, so I may push a little harder
today with my water, and exclude a dessert tonight. I like ending the week with
a loss! Funny how that sounds!

Counting my blessings today. I am happily employed, we are healthy, we have
a home (not just shelter), food on our table, and an answer to prayer. G'd is
good indeed!

It's going to be a busy day of cleaning the house, running errands and possibly
a side job, YEA! I hope your day is awesome, and that your blessings outweigh
the other stuff.

Complimentary Meal
Roast Beef
1 can (no salt) green beans with butter

Reward Meal
Papa Murphy's stuffed pizza
Spice cake with Krispy Kreme glaze (YUM)

3 cups coffee,  2.5 liters water

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